This research work was on a study of the roles of effective leadership in the achievement of organizational goals especially in the institution of management and technology, Enugu. The research work also looked at the roles played by the effective leadership in the achievement of IMT goals. Both primary and secondary data were collected to solve the research problem.
The population of study was comprised the IMT management and staffs/personnels. The research instruments used for data collected were both primary and secondary data i.e. questionnaires, interview and personal observations.
Tables and percentages were used in presentation and analysis of data collected.
Based on the data analysis, the researcher came up with the following findings, it was observed that social, political and economic factors were responsible for the inability of most effective leadership towards achieving organizational goals.
It was also observed that the role of effective leadership has succeeded in eradicating low quality standard of education and other social ill. Arresting the institution such as cultism etc. the study also revealed that the roles of effective leadership are not very effective and efficient in the achievement of organizational goals.
Based on the above findings, recommendations were made among which is that adequate incentives package should be provided by the government for the best leaders in our institutions/organizations for his or her excellence in the discharge of his or her duties and in achieving he institutional goals.
In conclusion, the researcher believes that the roles of effective leadership would be improved in order to create impact towards the achievement of organizational goals. The researcher, to embark on fresh research study using a larger population and sample size for better generation of results obtained further suggested it.
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Content
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Scope of study
1.5 Research question
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Limitation of the study
1.8 Definition of terms
Review of related literature
2.1 nature of leadership
2.2 Leadership approaches
2.3 Effectiveness of leadership
2.4 System problem in leadership and its environment
2.5 Leadership style in I.M.T / I.M.T organization
Research Design and methodology
3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of the study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample and sampling technique
3.5 Instrument used for data collection
3.6 Method of data collection
3.7 Method of data analysis
Data presentation and analysis
4.1 Presentation and analysis of data
5.1 Findings, recommendation and conclusions
5.2 Finding
5.3 Implication(s) of the research findings
5.4 Recommendation(s)
5.5 Suggestion for further research
Appendix I
Appendix ii
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(2013, 02). The Roles Of Effective Leadership In The Achievement Organizational Goals (a Case Study Of Institute Of Management And Technology, Imt Enugu).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 02, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/946/the-roles-of-effective-leadership-in-the-achievement-organizational-goals-a-case-study-of-institute-of-management-and-technology-imt-enugu
"The Roles Of Effective Leadership In The Achievement Organizational Goals (a Case Study Of Institute Of Management And Technology, Imt Enugu)." ProjectStoc.com. 02 2013. 2013. 02 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/946/the-roles-of-effective-leadership-in-the-achievement-organizational-goals-a-case-study-of-institute-of-management-and-technology-imt-enugu>.
"The Roles Of Effective Leadership In The Achievement Organizational Goals (a Case Study Of Institute Of Management And Technology, Imt Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 02 2013. Web. 02 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/946/the-roles-of-effective-leadership-in-the-achievement-organizational-goals-a-case-study-of-institute-of-management-and-technology-imt-enugu>.
"The Roles Of Effective Leadership In The Achievement Organizational Goals (a Case Study Of Institute Of Management And Technology, Imt Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. 02, 2013. Accessed 02, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/946/the-roles-of-effective-leadership-in-the-achievement-organizational-goals-a-case-study-of-institute-of-management-and-technology-imt-enugu.
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