Analysing Debt Management Techniques In Business Organisations In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Enugu)

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Previously debt can be talked of when group of societies economic position suffer efficiency. It was the only time measure of the organization or individual economic position. At the dawn of the modern economic life, it has been observed that one can be debtor and get stands to meet his current liabilities provided it is well manager.
This research work delves into the business meaning of debt, analyzing its management in business organization. The fruit of its efficient management in an organization. The research did not relent in their effort to point out where and why the impact of debt is felt mostly in business life. It has found  that the debt exist through the life of the time of a business organization from the initial capital outlay, in the time of further expansion in daily transaction of either with the supplier or the cessation or liquidation.
A close look at the Nigerian Bottling company plc Enugu, Coca-cola the research has employed both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary surces involves oral interview, the use of practical or personal observation from sources documents.
While secondary sources on the other hand are the data sources from published textbooks, journals, national dailies. Observation also reveals that one can be a debtor as well as a creditor.
A good financial manager can source fund by debt invest it and to make a profit before the maturity of debt. To do this, some speculative factor can be considered and handled so that balance or breakeven  of the risk and return can be sought for and a fairly equilibrium is met. 
Title page
Approval page
Table of content
List of table
List of figures

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problems. 
1.3 Purpose of the study.
1.4 Scope of the study.
1.5 Research questions.
1.6 Research hypothesis
1.7 Significance of the study
1.8 Limitation of the study
1.9 Definition of terms

2.0 Review of related literature.
2.1 Meaning of debt management
2.2 Classification of debt-management
2.3 Analyzing debt management in relation to organization working capital.
2.4 Cost of capital in relation to debt management technique.
2.5 Different school of thought in debt management
2.6 Different types debt – management
2.7 Debt – management in financing organization capital structure
2.8 Cost of debt capital in business organization

3.0 Research design and methodology 
3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of the study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Samples and sampling procedure / technique
3.5 Instrument for data collection
3.6 Validation of the instrument
3.7 Reliability of the instrument
3.8 Method of data collection
3.9 Method of data analysis

4.1 Presentation and analysis of data
4.2 Testing of hypothesis
4.3 Summary of result

5.0 Discussion, recommendation and conclusion
5.1 Discussion of result / finding:
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Implications at the research funds
5.4 Recommendation
5.4 Suggestions for further research
    Appendix  i
    appendix  ii

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(2013, 04). Analysing Debt Management Techniques In Business Organisations In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Enugu).. Retrieved 04, 2013, from
"Analysing Debt Management Techniques In Business Organisations In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Enugu)." 04 2013. 2013. 04 2013 <>.
"Analysing Debt Management Techniques In Business Organisations In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Enugu)..", 04 2013. Web. 04 2013. <>.
"Analysing Debt Management Techniques In Business Organisations In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Enugu).." 04, 2013. Accessed 04, 2013.

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