a case study on the cola wars...
Premium 5 pages 3297 words Paper All Levels
outsourcing is a management strategy by which an organization delegates major or non-core business functions to specialized and efficient service provider. this paper examines outsourcing serv...
Premium 20 pages 6868 words Seminar Degree Level
this study examines an appraisal of the performance of small scale enterprises in community development; evidence from anambra south senatorial zone, anambra state. specifically, the study pro...
Premium 44 pages 8619 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
the study was carried out to examine the financial problems and survival strategies of small scale enterprise in aguata local government area of anambra state. the purpose of the study i...
Premium 58 pages 12330 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this research work was designed to determine the influence of graduate entrepreneurship fund (gef) on youth economic inclusion. a case study of selected boi beneficiaries in awka l.g.a . ...
Premium 88 pages 12437 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
manpower training and development: a tool for enhancing employee productivity in federalpolytechnic mubi by &nb...
Premium 38 pages 5366 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
appraisalof revenue generation through effective financial managementa casestudy of kaltungo local government area, gombe state. by barnabasjesse sbl/bamy/dbam/12...
Premium 40 pages 5319 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
small and medium scale enterprises have been accepted worldwide as instrument of economic growth and development. no wonder that government, particularly in the developing countries has made t...
Premium 18 pages 5325 words Seminar Degree Level
we live in an age, which is experiencing an ever-increasing use of computer in diver’s areas of human endeavours. the introduction of computer technology has such made available a good...
Premium 53 pages 7261 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this research was carried out to investigate the problems of inadequate equipment and its effects on the training of secretarial manpower in tertiary institutions in anambra state. in car...
Premium 61 pages 6844 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level