this research work would be carried out to appreciate the role of management information system as an aid to management decision making. the ignorance of management information sys...
Premium 113 pages 14493 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
the study investigated the relationshipbetween marketing strategies and customer satisfaction in unilever company.cross-sectional survey design was employed for the study. the main...
Premium 61 pages 10707 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
in a recent survey by the federal ministry of education indicates high incidence of unemployment among graduate of higher education institutes in nigeria. the collaboration of other stat...
Premium 82 pages 8027 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
introductionin business sense, communication is the means by which people in organization exchange views and information regarding the operations of an enterprise or business. communication takes plac...
Premium 47 pages 6572 words Seminar Degree Level
prefacein government or private sector business does not do anything right without planning. this is a well established fact even in the days of the primitive man. it is even more necessary today to p...
Premium 135 pages 41271 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
theoretical issues it is generally agreed that economic development implies sustained increases in income per capita coupl...
Premium 44 pages 13006 words Seminar Degree Level
introductionplanning is an activity we perform before taking action. it is an anticipatory decision making process of deciding what to do and how to do it before action is required. its pu...
Free 9 pages 729 words Paper All Levels
the trend contemporary to the business organizations of our time is that the business organizations such as emenite asbestostes limited owe certain responsibilities to the area, more specific...
Premium 44 pages 5184 words Seminar Degree Level
abstarctthe continued decline in productivity government parastatals despite huge financial and material resources invested in them has been a matter of concern to all well meaning nigeria...
Premium 79 pages 11595 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this project is an attempt to examine the study of managing industrial disputes in higher institution with particular reference to enugu state university of science and technology (esut) enugu...
Premium 85 pages 11043 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level