This research work would be carried out to appreciate the role of management information system as an aid to management decision making. The ignorance of management information system or its in certain business especially small scale business has led to unsound. Management system, thereby affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of its operations. This may lead to the non-effectiveness and efficient achievement of the firm’s objectives. The objectives is to determine the reliability of the current method of information generation and to find out the effect of management information system on quality of management decision making.
This work focused on the overview of management information system as an aid to management decision making and lack of it in certain businesses especially small-scale businesses had led to unsound management system and thereby affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of its operations, which include the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, scope of the problem, research questions, significance of the study.
In a significant members literature relating to the subject were reviewed and this is also work through adequate management information system as an aid to management decision making to achieve firms objectives.
The method used in getting information, the population of the study, to the sample used and the instrument of questionnaire construction because of the population is large and it was not possible to cover it, the quota sampling technique was used and the research and development of the company was as the sample size for the study.
The analysis of data collected from the respondents on some related research questions. Although diverpert was the vice of the respondent yet, the greater percentage were of the opinion that management information system is a tool for effectiveness and efficiency of business operations.
The summary of the research study, recommendation and the conclusion based on the conclusion some areas, for further studies were also suggested for improvement of the study.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of contents vi
List of tables ix
1.1 Background of the study 2
1.2 Statement of the problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the study 5
1.4 Research questions 5
1.5 Research hypothesis 6
1.6 Significance of the study 7
1.7 The scope of the study 7
1.8 The limitations of the study 8
References 9
2.1 Historical background of Juhel Nigeria limited 10
2.2 Many aspects of the study 10
2.2.1 Over view of management 12
2.2.2 Levels of management 14
2.2.3 Overview of information 16
2.2.4 Levels of information 19
2.2.5 System overview 22
2.2.6 System characteristics, properties and types 25
2.2.7 Organization as a system 28
2.2.8 Foundation and basic for MIS 32
2.2.9 System study, investigation and planning 35
2.2.10 System analysis and design 39
2.2.11 System implementation and maintenance 44
2.2.12 Merging MIS objective with decision making objectives 49
2.2.13 The meaning of decision making 53
2.2.14 The impact of information system on management decision making 55
References 57
3.1 Research design 59
3.2 Sources of data 59
3.2.1 Primary sources 60
3.2.2 Secondary source 61
3.3 Population and determination of sample size 61
3.4 Validity and Reliability of Measuring Instrument 64
3.5 Method of Data Collection 65
3.6 Methods of Data Analysis 65
References 67
4.1 Data Presentation 68
4.2 Presentation of Demographic Analysis 69
4.3 Analysis Based on Key Research Questions in the Questionnaire 71
4.4 Test of Hypothesis 80
5.1 Summary of Findings 96
5.2 Conclusions 97
5.3 Recommendations 98
Bibliography 99
Appendix I 101
Appendix II 102
Table 4.2: Sex distribution of respondents 69
Table 4.3: Distribution on qualification of respondents 69
Table 4.4: Staff status of respondents 70
Table 4.5: Time of joining the organization 70
Table 4.6: Are you computer literate? 71
Table 4.7: What is the method of generating information? 71
Table 4.8: Do you think the use of computer will increase the speed and accuracy of your work? 72
Table 4.9: Do you believe MIS will make your work easier? 73
Table 4.10: Distribution on benefits of various uses of computers 73
Table 4.11: How effective is your information generating method? 74
Table 4.12: Distribution on safety of information 74
Table 4.13: What is your department output speed like now? 75
Table 4.14: How are you retrieving information from past records 76
Table 4.15: Do you think MIS can reduce fraudulent practices 76
Table 4.16: The extent of exposure to information technology leading to advancement and better output in the workplace? 77
Table 4.17: Can MIS increase time in decisions making 78
Table 4.18: Extent of the impact of MIS on the management decision making 78
Table 4.19: Do you think MIS can enhance decision making process? 79
Table 4.20: How reliable is the current method of generating information? 80
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(2015, 04). Management Information System (mis) As An Aid To Management Decision Making (a Case Study Of Juhel Nigeria Limited).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 04, 2015, from https://projectstoc.com/read/6162/management-information-system-mis-as-an-aid-to-management-decision-making-a-case-study-of-juhel-nigeria-limited-1853
"Management Information System (mis) As An Aid To Management Decision Making (a Case Study Of Juhel Nigeria Limited)." ProjectStoc.com. 04 2015. 2015. 04 2015 <https://projectstoc.com/read/6162/management-information-system-mis-as-an-aid-to-management-decision-making-a-case-study-of-juhel-nigeria-limited-1853>.
"Management Information System (mis) As An Aid To Management Decision Making (a Case Study Of Juhel Nigeria Limited).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 04 2015. Web. 04 2015. <https://projectstoc.com/read/6162/management-information-system-mis-as-an-aid-to-management-decision-making-a-case-study-of-juhel-nigeria-limited-1853>.
"Management Information System (mis) As An Aid To Management Decision Making (a Case Study Of Juhel Nigeria Limited).." ProjectStoc.com. 04, 2015. Accessed 04, 2015. https://projectstoc.com/read/6162/management-information-system-mis-as-an-aid-to-management-decision-making-a-case-study-of-juhel-nigeria-limited-1853.
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