outsourcing is a management strategy by which an organization delegates major or non-core business functions to specialized and efficient service provider. this paper examines outsourcing serv...
Premium 20 pages 6868 words Seminar Degree Level
small and medium scale enterprises have been accepted worldwide as instrument of economic growth and development. no wonder that government, particularly in the developing countries has made t...
Premium 18 pages 5325 words Seminar Degree Level
small and medium scale enterprises have been accepted worldwide as instrument of economic growth and development. no wonder that government, particularly in the developing countries has made t...
Premium 18 pages 5325 words Seminar Degree Level
numerous types of management tools can be applied to innovation management -conceptual and mathematical models, frameworks, checklists, benchmarking tool and specific techniques and methodolog...
Premium 42 pages 5995 words Seminar Degree Level
introductionin business sense, communication is the means by which people in organization exchange views and information regarding the operations of an enterprise or business. communication takes plac...
Premium 47 pages 6572 words Seminar Degree Level
theoretical issues it is generally agreed that economic development implies sustained increases in income per capita coupl...
Premium 44 pages 13006 words Seminar Degree Level
the trend contemporary to the business organizations of our time is that the business organizations such as emenite asbestostes limited owe certain responsibilities to the area, more specific...
Premium 44 pages 5184 words Seminar Degree Level
introduction1.1 general background of the study it should be recounted or said that a decision is a choice where by a person forms a conclusion about a station. ostallo, 1 and zackind, ss (1963) p=334...
Premium 27 pages 3916 words Seminar Degree Level
a major sources of great concern to manufacturing companies has been the all-important, all pervading recurring issue and question of inventory management. this is understandable; as a d...
Premium 60 pages 8196 words Seminar Degree Level
PREFACEThe federal government of Nigeria has continued to support small and medium scale business enterprises in its bid to promote the general economic development of the country and to lay a solid f...
Premium 53 pages 5388 words Seminar Degree Level