The topic on this project is Effect of Proper Record Management on Workers’ productivity. The case of safe keeping of records is vital to an organization, usually depends on the types of record docu...
Premium 50 pages Seminar Degree Level
Most corporate executives in most public and private sectors organizations regarded materials and financial source as the most important assets in any given industry or organization....
Premium 49 pages Seminar Degree Level
The roles of small – scale business as a catalyst to the development of growth of a nations economy but cannot be over emphasized. This has been demonstrated in economy of nations like Japan...
Premium 32 pages Seminar Degree Level
The concept of packaging describes the overall presentation of a product or services to the consumers and the manufacturers respectively in a form that will protect, preserve, promote, measure...
Premium 44 pages Seminar Degree Level
The essay evaluates the impact of remuneration on individual attitude and performance in organization. The objective of the essay is to identify how remuneration affect employees performance as well...
Premium 48 pages Seminar Degree Level
This project work is centered on stock control as a measure for ensuring profitability in an organisation a case study of Kaduna refinery and Petroleum chemical. It begins with the first chapter that...
Premium 61 pages Seminar Degree Level
This study was conducted to ascertain the problems and prospect of establishment of small-scale industries in Enugu State using PATONY BLOCK INDUSTRY as a case study....
Premium 39 pages Seminar Degree Level
The role of a manager in a small business organization is so vital that for any small business organization such as inter-personal...
Premium 65 pages Seminar Degree Level
TOPIC: The need for efficient stock management in a manufacturing company....
Premium 34 pages 4692 words Seminar Degree Level
Going through the present in investigation on the effects of leadership style on management of an organization many findings and result were made in the service and finace oriented organizations....
Premium 43 pages 5555 words Seminar Degree Level