This research work is on the assessment of the effect of motivation on workers, performance taking Nike Lake Resort Enugu as a case study....
Premium 53 pages Seminar Degree Level
The essence of the project research is to asses the concept of profitability factors as a guide to policy decision and as certain the concept of profitability....
Premium 29 pages Seminar Degree Level
The purpose of this study is to find out the problems facing paint companies in marketing of their product under the economic depression on Andy Group of company in particular and with a view...
Premium 28 pages Seminar Degree Level
A computer is an electronic devices which is under the control of instruction (programmes) stored in its memory...
Premium 62 pages Seminar Degree Level
This project works was examined from all its ramification, what could be the possible effect of salary increase and fringe benefits among Nigerian workers....
Premium 49 pages Seminar Degree Level
The reason for this research report was borne out of the impart offered to the issue of corporate social responsibility a must to Nigeria business organization a case study of Guinness Plc....
Premium 48 pages Seminar Degree Level
As the topic state that is “the need for efficient inventory management in a manufacturing companyâ€....
Premium 36 pages Seminar Degree Level
The research is on issue, which is of great importance to the Nigerian Economy....
Premium 47 pages 6016 words Seminar Degree Level
The purpose of this study is to determine and effective corporate image management as a strategy for enhancing profitability....
Premium 47 pages Seminar Degree Level
This research work discussed the management function, which is used in achieving desired results through efficiency utilization of human and material resources....
Premium 36 pages Seminar Degree Level