It should be recounted or said that a decision is a choice where by a person forms a conclusion about a station. Ostallo, 1 and Zackind, SS (1963) P=334), confirm that the term decision making, to choice process, choosing one from among several possibilities however decision theory in Costello, TIN (1963,P=387) largely consider decision the process of making a single choice among course of action at a particular point in this depicts a course of behaviours about what must be done or vice visa.
Also at a point in which policies plans and objectives are translated into concrete actions is also where decision is done.
Decision-making is however, one of the most genuine activities of management. Management some times consider decision to be the heart at their job.
Traditionally, manager influence the ordinary employees and specifically their immediate subordinates in the organization. This has resulted in managers making unnatural decision.
In concept of participation, Decision-making permeates all aspects of the management process. To every manager therefore, notwithstanding his/her level in the organization so also is the need for participation of employee in such manager. All decision participation may be though of as the growing and receiving information, advice and suggestion and the sharing of experience among members of an organization.
In management, it particularly applies to allowed employee (5) to have a voice in shaping policies, produces and process that directly or indirectly affect them, it therefore, can been seen as a sharing process among managers and employees.
However participation of employees in managerial decision making is not applicable to all organization. Varying leadership style is characterized by the centralization of the decision making process on the manager himself. Being an autocratic leader, the manager is seen as one who commands and expects compliance. The dominant force involved is power. However since the managers view authority as the only means of getting things done, performance of employees as expected is always minimum.
Participation should not be thought of a single process or activity but rather as a whole range of process, and activities. (Tannaeblaum and Schmit, 91974, pill) describes it as a continue process ranging from the autocratic leadership style as also described as free vein management because of its very little control or influence over group members.
According to Guest (1960-P125) some observes have noted that while a continuum is a useful way of conceptualizing participation, it does not himself provide a definition. Furthermore, if definition does not use a control, the some of the approaches falling on the continuum could not be classified as a genuine participation.
The origin of the subject must be distinguished even though both of them are seemingly are the same. Although in terms of participation and delegation, the manager fells he is giving away something especially a thing that will pollute or weaken his position, but terms are still at variance with such other. Delegation involves the assignment of duties, authority and responsibility to subordinate. And also it is the vesting of decision power in subordinate unlike participation, where the manager reserve the right to make the main decision and responsibility for such decision so made.
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(2014, 11). The Impact Of Employee’s Participation In Managerial Decision-making In Public Sector Organization In Nigeria With Reference To Emenite Plc... Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"The Impact Of Employee’s Participation In Managerial Decision-making In Public Sector Organization In Nigeria With Reference To Emenite Plc.." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"The Impact Of Employee’s Participation In Managerial Decision-making In Public Sector Organization In Nigeria With Reference To Emenite Plc...", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"The Impact Of Employee’s Participation In Managerial Decision-making In Public Sector Organization In Nigeria With Reference To Emenite Plc..." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.
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