training and development helps to ensure that staffs in servicing companies posses the knowledge and skills that they need to perform their jobs effectively, take on new responsibilities and...
Premium 58 pages 9064 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Many studies have been conducted on decision making, but little has been known aboutparticipatory decision making as an essential ingredient in the quest forbetter organizational manageme...
Premium 25 pages 4050 words Paper All Levels
The concept and theories of and productivity has alwaysbeen a central problem for leaders and managers, this is because of...
Premium 26 pages 3616 words Paper All Levels
This study examined strike actions and the achievement of aims in academic staff union of universities, university of uyo,akwa ibom state. the broad objective of this study was to examine the...
Premium 84 pages 13677 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
This research work aims at critically evaluating the process of production and the extent to which the installed capacity of nigeria breweries utilized. the study traced the histor...
Premium 101 pages 10871 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
This topic is the role of management with particular reference to the ministry of finance, enugu. to carry out this study effectively. five research questions were formulated. due to the...
Premium 86 pages 9431 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Going through the present in investigation on the effects of leadership style on management of an organization many findings and result were made in the service and finace oriented organizatio...
Premium 46 pages 5521 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
This project, “the concept of national identify and how nigerian identity can be restored in every administration” which is written in clear and simple words is designed to explain the con...
Premium 39 pages 5696 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
In organization people to work effectively in an organization emphasis on industrial accident and safety should be made. the welfare of the employee should be placed upper mo...
Premium 58 pages 7675 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Employments is a contract and the express and implied terms of this contract are still the basis of the relationship between employer and employee. however this employment relation...
Premium 43 pages 8541 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level