From independence (1960) till date the Nigeria society has been under-going rapid transition with the unavailable and the unusual step by step transformation process that affect all social systems of the Nigerian society. The public sector organization being deliberately and hurriedly reformed to avoid the pit falls of the past. Instantly, erratic decisions are being made, new programme established and the old ones re-established with new strategies in an effort to achieve a new social order.
In achieving this social order a number of reforms are introduced into the public sector organizations and these (reforms) tends to be prone to a form of organizational crisis or another. With regards to the Nigerian public sector these crisis arise out of situational uncertainties and inadequacies of an organization. These could be as a result of power tussles, inadequate funds, psychological disorientation of employees in an organization and its employers rejection of managements / authorities reforms. Any such crisis is capable of distorting the realization of organizations objectives.
An important step is ensuring success in the realization of these public sector organizations and to understand the dynamics of a particular crisis and implement appropriate remedies on conditions that the change motivators are genius and determined. We all know that the understanding of the dynamics of crisis is lacked in the public sector of Nigerian Economy. It is also true that our administrators in the public sector are always involved in the crisis management. In conclusion, we can see that there is no effective tool for crisis management in the Nigerian public sector.
For this singular reason the Enugu North Local Government (ENLG) was chosen to give a clear picture of public sector organization whose administrators have not been able to note that local government were created to act as an autonomous part of the central government in Nigeria.
In this study we have been able to identify few of the numerous crisis that could hit the ENLG and ranked them in order of probability of occurrence using that crisis with the highest probability in developing a crisis management more for use by organizations in the public sector of the Nigeria economy.
Title page
Approval page
Table of content
1.1Background of the study
1.2Statement of problem
1.3Research questions objective of study
1.4Objective of study
1.5Significance of study
1.6Scope and limitation
1.7Operational definition of terms
Review of related literature
2.1A review of crisis management
2.2Meaning of crisis
2.3An overview of crisis management
2.4Crisis forecast
2.5Objective of crisis management
Research methodology and design
3.1Sources of data
3.2Data collection
3.3Statistical tools
3.4Sample procedure and size
3.5The population and size
Date presentation and analysis
4.1Presentation of data
4.2Analysis of data
Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1Summary of major findings
Appendix I
Appendix II
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(2012, 11). Crisis Management In The Public Sector A Case Study Of Enugu North Local Government Enugu.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2012, from https://projectstoc.com/read/386/crisis-management-in-the-public-sector-a-case-study-of-enugu-north-local-government-enugu
"Crisis Management In The Public Sector A Case Study Of Enugu North Local Government Enugu." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2012. 2012. 11 2012 <https://projectstoc.com/read/386/crisis-management-in-the-public-sector-a-case-study-of-enugu-north-local-government-enugu>.
"Crisis Management In The Public Sector A Case Study Of Enugu North Local Government Enugu.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2012. Web. 11 2012. <https://projectstoc.com/read/386/crisis-management-in-the-public-sector-a-case-study-of-enugu-north-local-government-enugu>.
"Crisis Management In The Public Sector A Case Study Of Enugu North Local Government Enugu.." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2012. Accessed 11, 2012. https://projectstoc.com/read/386/crisis-management-in-the-public-sector-a-case-study-of-enugu-north-local-government-enugu.
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