The Importance Of Cooperative Development To A Public Administration

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In pursuance of this investigation research Based on the above, it was found out that no co-operative development is not island of himself. But importance in every endeavour and could do without the co-operative principles and development.    Through the application of the principle interpretation of the principle should be well known to members.  It should not be ignored.  Members of the co-operative should show concern to the principles of co-operatives and how cooperative envolve. A copy of the co-operative law should be made bay and well understood by the members and also applicable for administrator. Constant supervision is important in order to keep the society going.  There is every tendency to teach and educate the members on co-operative education.

Title Page
Table of Contents

- The Nature of Co-operative 4
- Historical Background of Co-operative 6
- Role of Co-operative Societies 8
Economic and Social Benefit of 
Cooperative to People   9

The origin of Modern Co-operative Societies can be traced back to the middle 30s.  This followed the commission of the stick land report in 1934 on the enactment of co-operative Ordinance was in 1935.  Since then a lot of interests have continued to be generated in this form of business ventures.  The various government and co-operative superior have made some series of an attempt to encourage includes, the revision of co-operative laws and regulations, encouraging the public to form and join co-operative.  Introduction of Co-operative division in the Ministry too place.
A co-operative principle refers to basic truth or general law determining the existence and regulation the conduct of an organisation and distinguishing it from other systems.  The co-operative principles are fundamental and universal rules laid down by co-operative leaders to guide their conduct and lead them on the enduring and successful performance.  The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) described them as norms they should prevail in the co-operative regardless of what they do and where they exist.  In the previous attempt, which was made by the co-operative superiors in seeing that co-operative improve its quality, by having a principle guiding them.  
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(2014, 12). The Importance Of Cooperative Development To A Public Administration.. Retrieved 12, 2014, from
"The Importance Of Cooperative Development To A Public Administration." 12 2014. 2014. 12 2014 <>.
"The Importance Of Cooperative Development To A Public Administration..", 12 2014. Web. 12 2014. <>.
"The Importance Of Cooperative Development To A Public Administration.." 12, 2014. Accessed 12, 2014.

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