The Analysis Of Loan Admistration In Financial Institution In The Nigeria Economy (a Case Study Of Nigeria Agricultural Co-operatives And Rural Development Bank)

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This study steps out to analyze the loan administration in the financial institution in the Nigeria economy ( a case study of he Nigeria agricultural cooperatives and rural development banks ( NGCRDB). The project is intended to focus on the adequacy of credit supply to he sector of the economy by NACRDB loan disbursement. The researcher attempted to find answer to the following research question. Viz to what extent has NACRDB contributed to the development of Nigeria economy through this loan administration? What is the adequacy of NACRDB sectoral allocation towards agricultural development in Nigeria ? what is the influence of the interest rate on loan administration by NACRD?

The researcher relied extensively on data and information-collected form the NACRDB of Enugu and Awka zone. The study is covered by the period of 2000 – 2002. the researcher also employed the percentage analysis and used table to illustrate the trend analysis carried out. To carry out this study is a directive framework. Four research questions were formulated. The four questions attracted a total of 7 questions in the questionnaire. The questionnaire is made up of three section (ABC). Section “A” deals on the general information, which was not tested while section B&C were tested. Four hypothesis were drawn and was tested using the chi – square method and formular. Questionnaire were designed, typed and distributed to the area of study, which involve both the costumers and the staff of financial institution of the study. This was to gather vital information on the topic in question. The stratified random sampling was used in the in the selection of the respondent in the financial institution (NACRDB). The reason to enable or make it easier for the researcher to get a comprehensive use of the population of the study. A total of 70 questionnaires were administered and out of this figure, 40 were returned, and 30 were unreturned. A table is used to illustrate the return of the questionnaire; percentage method was used in analyzing the research question. The outcome or the result of the research question or the hypothesis shows that loan administration in financial institution NACRDB in the Nigeria economy is very vita in the sense that it contribute to a very great extent in the growth and development of the country. 
However, NACRDB have to be helping farmers by giving them enough loan and advances so as to boost the agricultural sector, which is the major source of food supply in the economy. As a result, more food will be produced and the export rate will increase. After collection and analysis of data, the researcher was able to give some suggestion on how the NACRDB farmer relationship in financing could be improved. It is recommended that the federal government should continually provide the enabling environment for the NACRDB to perform by providing rural area with basic amenities and as well ensure adequate funding of the institution (NACRDB). Finally, conclusions were drawn based on the findings and recommendations. It encompasses all the area writing in the project work.


Title page
Aproval page.
Table of content

1.1 The background of the study
1.2 Statement of problems
1.3 Purpose of study
1.4 Significance of study
1.5 Limitation of study
1.6 Definition of terms
1.7 Reference


2.0 Review related to literature
2.1 The important of loan administration to the financial institution in Nigeria 
2.2 structure of the Nigeria agricultural co-operatives and rural development bank
2.3 The co-operative concept opportunities of the abia co-operative federating in a 2.4 function of the Nigeria agricultural co-operatives and rural development bank  
2.5 Nigeria agricultural co-operative and rural development bank operations.
2.6 Source of fund
2.7 Loan administration by  nacrdb 
2.8 Problem of loan administration by nacrdb
2.9 Reference 

 Research design and methodology
3.1 Source of data
3.2 Primary data
3.3 Sample procedure 
3.4 Sample size
3.5 Completed questionnaire 
3.6 Method of analysis 

4.1 Data presentation, analysis and interpretation
4.2 Test of hypothesis
5.1 Summary, findings, conclusion and recommendation
5.2 Findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation
5 .5 Biography

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(2012, 12). The Analysis Of Loan Admistration In Financial Institution In The Nigeria Economy (a Case Study Of Nigeria Agricultural Co-operatives And Rural Development Bank).. Retrieved 12, 2012, from
"The Analysis Of Loan Admistration In Financial Institution In The Nigeria Economy (a Case Study Of Nigeria Agricultural Co-operatives And Rural Development Bank)." 12 2012. 2012. 12 2012 <>.
"The Analysis Of Loan Admistration In Financial Institution In The Nigeria Economy (a Case Study Of Nigeria Agricultural Co-operatives And Rural Development Bank)..", 12 2012. Web. 12 2012. <>.
"The Analysis Of Loan Admistration In Financial Institution In The Nigeria Economy (a Case Study Of Nigeria Agricultural Co-operatives And Rural Development Bank).." 12, 2012. Accessed 12, 2012.

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