Credit Mobilization Challenges Of Credit Cooperative Societies In Enugu State, Its Implications For Rural Development (a Case Study Of Selected Credit Cooperative Societies In Enugu North Local Government Area Of Enugu State)

ProjectStoc - 66 pages 7493 words 1227 views Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level Cooperative Economics And Management ₦3000 Naira ($7.89 USD)

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This study focuses on credit mobilization challenges of credit cooperative societies in Enugu state and its implications for rural development (a case study of selected credit cooperative societies in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State). One hundred and fourteen (114) members of the cooperative societies purposely drawn were sampled for the study. Data were collected mainly through questionnaire while description statistics, frequency percentages were applied in the analysis. The result showed that the credit needs of the societies are not met. The challenges among which are: the poverty state of members, low membership size and insignificant internally generated funds, hindered credit mobilization. Also, much credit could not be mobilized through externally uniformed about raising funds through foreign assistance. Suggestion were made on improving the credit mobilization drive to increase the membership size of the societies, sourcing of information and participation in foreign assisted programmes, reduction on interest of loan able funds as well as reliance on group guarantee by commercial bank. Equally, government was advised to channel their agricultural and poverty alleviation funds through cooperative societies. These findings were found to have implication for agricultural growth and hence rural development.

Title page= = = = = = = = = i
Approval Page= = = = = = = = = ii
Dedication= = = = = = = = = iii
Acknowledgement = = = = = = = = iv
Abstract= = = = = = = = = = v
Table of content= = = = = = = = vi

1.0  Introduction= = = = = = = = 1
1.1 Background of the study= = = = = = 1
1.2 Statement of the problem = = = = = 2
1.3 Objectives of the study= = = = = = 3
1.4 Research questions = = = = = = 4
1.5 Research hypothesis= = = = = = 5
1.6 Significance of the study= = = = = = 6
1.7 Scope of the study= = = = = = = 6

2.0 Review of related literature= = = = = 7
2.1 Definition of unemployment= = = = = 7
2.2 Types of unemployment = = = = = = 8
2.3 Causes of unemployment= = = = = = 9
2.4 projects cooperatives can involve in= = = = 10
2.5 Benefits of cooperative societies = = = = 11
2.6 How cooperatives can reduce unemployment = 12
2.6 Problems of Nigerian cooperatives = = = = 13
2.7 Unemployment problems in developing countries= 14

3.0 Research Design and Methodology = = = = 16
3.1 Research Design= = = = = = = 16
3.2 Area of the study= = = = = = = 16
3.3 Population of the study= = = = = = 17
3.4 Sample size and sampling technique = = = 18
3.5 Method of data collection = = = = = = 18
3.6 Research instrument used = = = = = 19
3.7 Validity and Reliability of the instrument = = 20
3.8 Method of data analysis= = = = = = 20

4.0 Data presentation, analysis and interpretation= = 21
4.1 Introduction = = = = = = = = 21
4.2 Data Analysis = = = = = = = = 23
4.3 Test of Hypothesis= = = = = = = 26

5.0 Summary of Findings, Recommendation and Conclusion 30
5.1 Findings= = = = = = = = = 30
5.2 Conclusion = = = = = = = = 34
5.3 Recommendations = = = = = = 36
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(2015, 04). Credit Mobilization Challenges Of Credit Cooperative Societies In Enugu State, Its Implications For Rural Development (a Case Study Of Selected Credit Cooperative Societies In Enugu North Local Government Area Of Enugu State).. Retrieved 04, 2015, from
"Credit Mobilization Challenges Of Credit Cooperative Societies In Enugu State, Its Implications For Rural Development (a Case Study Of Selected Credit Cooperative Societies In Enugu North Local Government Area Of Enugu State)." 04 2015. 2015. 04 2015 <>.
"Credit Mobilization Challenges Of Credit Cooperative Societies In Enugu State, Its Implications For Rural Development (a Case Study Of Selected Credit Cooperative Societies In Enugu North Local Government Area Of Enugu State)..", 04 2015. Web. 04 2015. <>.
"Credit Mobilization Challenges Of Credit Cooperative Societies In Enugu State, Its Implications For Rural Development (a Case Study Of Selected Credit Cooperative Societies In Enugu North Local Government Area Of Enugu State).." 04, 2015. Accessed 04, 2015.

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