Agriculture, from the beginning of time, the first concern of man has been food clothing and shelter in that order. Agriculture being one of the oldest industries, its origin can be traced to the earliest human societies. the existence of man fro the prehistoric era up to the era ancient civilization depended on the ability of the individual to hunt and gather food for consumption. Food was, however the basic source of life which provided him energy in his wondering and constant struggle for survival. However, with the realization that food was basic need for survival, efforts were made by early man to cultivate crops.
In spite of the limitations which agriculture is facing, it still remained the most important sector of the world economy.
Agriculture is a basic industry that supports all industries and all aspects of needs can justify from its role and contributions to nation building. Between 75 – 80% of working population in rural areas engage in agriculture production (farming). Some are provide jobs in the industries e.g. textile industry, Breweries and shoe industry.
Agriculture aids in rural development, with the location of industries that utilize agricultural produce in an area other investors go to rural areas to set up factories trade and operate business centers people are employed and paid to earn their living. Agricultural provides industrial raw material, textile mills required cotton, and plastic industries use rubber/latex.
Agricultural involves operational clearing of the land and the breaking-up of surface soil, the sowing for seeds, the removal of the weeds from the farm, the harvesting and storage of crops which are disposed of by marketing and the breeding and rearing of animals. All these Co-operatives can do in a number of different, which involve amounts of labour, time, expense and productivity. Agricultural education is an area in agriculture that a concern with helping people to develop a desire to learn and teach agriculture. This is a change of behaviour towards agricultural practices.
History has it that at the instance of the president of the Federation, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Organised for all farmers meeting for all categories of farmers and other association across the country on 25/11/90. the major purpose of the meeting has to educate farmers on the need to organize themselves into farming groups (Crops), which lead to the formation of farmers apex bodies from the ward levels. It was at this meeting that Peace Broilers Egg/Hatchery FMCS was formed.
Peace Briolers Eggs/Hatchery FMCS was registered in the section four (4) of the byelaws. Signed by Mr. Udeani on the 10th July 1999 with the seat at our lady of Mercy Parish Church, Iva-valley, Enugu North Local Government area. As at the time the numerical strength stood at 15 members – 10 males and five (5) female and many were wishing to join the society. They acquired five (5) arces of land situated at 22 Amaogho Village in Enugu East Local government Area, the land is for cultivation of maize and cassava.
Management Committee members are:
Mr. Luke Eneje - President
Mrs. Roseline Omeja - Vice President
Mr. Martin Nwodo - Secretary
Mr. Simon Onah - Treasurer
Mr. Jude I. Onah - Financial Secretary
The society meeting, it was observed that the society is adhering strictly to the provision of their byelaw that deals on the section.
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(2014, 11). The Role Of Agricultural Co-operative Society In Food And Production (a Case Study, Enugu North Local Government Area.. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"The Role Of Agricultural Co-operative Society In Food And Production (a Case Study, Enugu North Local Government Area." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"The Role Of Agricultural Co-operative Society In Food And Production (a Case Study, Enugu North Local Government Area..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"The Role Of Agricultural Co-operative Society In Food And Production (a Case Study, Enugu North Local Government Area.." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.
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