The role of planning and forecasting in business organization is a topic chosen from the business administration and management field....
Premium 74 pages Seminar Degree Level
A hostel by definition is a building in which cheap food and lodging and provided for students but unfortunately...
Premium 26 pages Seminar Degree Level
Ethical and social responsibility of Nigeria bottling company plc is the topic of this research work. The purpose of the research is to...
Premium 31 pages Seminar Degree Level
Since the abstract is a précised summary of what is actually done in a project it then means that the following information should be contained there in the topic under study location...
Premium 46 pages 6305 words Seminar Degree Level
The administration of staff incentive scheme has now become a popular phenomenon of the total personnel policy of nay organization....
Premium 54 pages Seminar Degree Level
The research was carried out to find out the problems and prospects of managers in a business organization. The research was designed out in three chapters (i.e. introduction, literature review and...
Premium 21 pages Seminar Degree Level
The subject of this project is survival strategies adopted by small-scale shops in Enugu state urban. This recent changes in the Nigeria Business environment have forced small-scale shops to...
Premium 41 pages Seminar Degree Level
The purpose of this study is to survey the possible of establishing laundry and dry cleaning industry in IMT. The review begins with a brief history of the institute of management and technology...
Premium 40 pages Seminar Degree Level
This research study focuses on the solving of unemployment problem through the establishment of small scale business in Nigeria....
Premium 33 pages Seminar Degree Level
The diverse structure of the economics of the third world countries and the predominance of good markets for industrial goods provide good environment conditions to support the growth of small – sca...
Premium 55 pages Seminar Degree Level