Nowadays, it seems like almost every one own a car and in fact, we can say that each house have at least one car. But the more is approximately three cars per house. This figure shows...
Premium 11 pages 4595 words Seminar Degree Level
Prefacei take this opportunity to present this book title refrigeration and air conditioning technology to student of degrees and diploma courses. the object of this text is to present the subje...
Premium 203 pages 54517 words Book Note/ Review All Levels
Introduction:planned maintenance apart from programming inspection, should include monitoring, logging, periodic checks and tests of system as to guarantee correct day-today hitch free functioning and...
Premium 62 pages 14968 words Paper All Levels
Nigeria is an agricultural nation. Melon (Citrullus Vulgaris) is widely cultivated in Nigeria, among other seedlings during the planting season yearly. Several tones of the melon seeds are gathered...
Premium 62 pages 5313 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
This machine is design and fabricate as a prerequisite for the award of a higher national diploma.we sketch different designs which after consideration of many factors like the machine efficie...
Premium 51 pages 6676 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
The report beamed at relying the student intense knowledge and skill acquired during my industrial training attachment of the nigeria railway corporation enugu. it is a well articu...
Premium 131 pages 14316 words Paper All Levels
in recent times, most of the household appliances are using electric power and as such, electricity shortage has become a major problem throughout the world. ceiling fan is one of such applian...
Premium 32 pages 4200 words Paper All Levels
introduction the purpose of a control system is to produce a desired output. this output is usually specified by a command input, and is often a function of time. for simple applications in well...
Premium 41 pages 9316 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
a key is a piece of steel in inserted between the shaft and a hub of the pulley or the gear, mainly to that power. key are always inserted parallet to the shaft axis. they ar...
Premium 44 pages 10614 words Paper All Levels
introductioncommunication means extending information form one person to another in a way in which it can be understood. information and ideas in technical and scientific fields can very often be more...
Premium 72 pages 11177 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level