The major purpose of the study was to determine the roles of educated nigeria women in socio-economic development of our country. The population of the study consisted of the 78 educated women. Both workers and visitors in women development center awka. The sample size for the study was 70 using simple random sampling, with 90% of the percent of the entire population four research question were formulated which quited the study a 70 tem structured questionnaire were developed, percentage was used to analyze the data collected. The major finding of the study were. (1) it was observed that women help in building of charitable organization motherless baby homes etc, awarding of scholarship and building of health centers (2) it was also found that government is the most eminent sources of help to educate nigerian women in playing., their roles it was concluded that. (iii) educated women play a vital role in socio-economic development of nigeria (2) educated women contribute in building of charitable organization awarding of scholarship and building of health centers ultimately it was recommended that above mention factors (v) that federal government should encourage women education by criticizing early marriage in the country (2) government should create employment programmes for younger women to enable them to develop themselves.
Title page -----------------------------------------------i
Approval page------------------------------------------ii
Table of content--------------------------------------viii
1.0 Introduction -------------------------------------1
1.1 background of the study------------------------4
1.2 statement of the problem------------------------9
1.3 objective/ purpose of the study-------------10
1.4 significance of the study-----------------------11
1.5 scope of the study-------------------------------13
1.6 research question ------------------------------
1.7 Definition of terms ----------------------------13
2.0 Literature review-------------------------------16
2.1 Roles of educated Nigerian women
2.2 Contribution of educated Nigerian women
2.3 problems confronter by educated Nigeria women
2.4 Sources of help top educated Nigerian women
3.0 Research Methodology-----------------------39
3.1 Design of the study-----------------------------40
3.1 Area of the study-----------------------------------
3.3 Population of the study------------------------41
3.4 Sample of the study-----------------------------41
3.5 Description of the instrument ---------------42
3.6 Distribution and retrieval of the instrument --43
3.7 method of data analysis------------------------43
4.0 presentation and analysis of Data ----------45
5.1 Summary of findings---------------------------55
5.2 Conclusion -----------------------------------59
5.3 Recommendations ------------------------------57
5.4 Limitations of the study------------------------60
5.5 Suggestions of the study
References --------------------------------------------
Questionnaire ------------------------------------------
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(2016, 10). The Role Of Educated Nigeria Women In The Social And Economic Development Of Our Country (a Case Study Of Nigeria).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 10, 2016, from https://projectstoc.com/read/8127/the-role-of-educated-nigeria-women-in-the-social-and-economic-development-of-our-country-a-case-study-of-nigeria-8460
"The Role Of Educated Nigeria Women In The Social And Economic Development Of Our Country (a Case Study Of Nigeria)." ProjectStoc.com. 10 2016. 2016. 10 2016 <https://projectstoc.com/read/8127/the-role-of-educated-nigeria-women-in-the-social-and-economic-development-of-our-country-a-case-study-of-nigeria-8460>.
"The Role Of Educated Nigeria Women In The Social And Economic Development Of Our Country (a Case Study Of Nigeria).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 10 2016. Web. 10 2016. <https://projectstoc.com/read/8127/the-role-of-educated-nigeria-women-in-the-social-and-economic-development-of-our-country-a-case-study-of-nigeria-8460>.
"The Role Of Educated Nigeria Women In The Social And Economic Development Of Our Country (a Case Study Of Nigeria).." ProjectStoc.com. 10, 2016. Accessed 10, 2016. https://projectstoc.com/read/8127/the-role-of-educated-nigeria-women-in-the-social-and-economic-development-of-our-country-a-case-study-of-nigeria-8460.
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