An Investigation Into The Problems Of Leadership In Tertiary Institutions A Study Of Federal Polytechnic, Oko.

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This research work “AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE PROBLEMS OF LEADERSHIP IN TERTIARY INSTITUTION” looking at the ineffective and techniques which our leaders used so as to accomplish the leadership objectives. Specifically, the work answers questions which bordered on the problems of leadership which the institution is going ontos. The five chaptered research works limit its scope of study in Federal Polytechnic, Oko using proper information gathering method to obtain data whereas twelve principle officers of the administration and academic sector are used as the sample size. Also, the interview used for data collection included students. The chapter four led to the chapter summary, recommendation and conclusion. The research work actually show the most leader ship problems which pull down the bad rapport between the management and the subordinates so as to inaccomplish the set goals.
Title page i
Approval ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgements iv
Table of contents vi
Abstract ix

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 7
1.3 Purpose of the study 10
1.4 Significance of the study 11
1.5 Research question 12
1.6 Scope of the study 13
1.7 Limitation of the study 14
1.8 Definition of terms 15

2.0 Literature Review 17
2.1 Background information in the study area 17
2.2 Leadership Definition 18
2.3 Leadership problems 19
2.4 Problem characteristics 22
2.5 Leadership, Management and Bureaucracy 24
2.6 Functions of a leadership and management 25
2.7 Tertiary institutions and federal polytechnic 28
2.8 Techniques of leadership 31
2.9 Theories and approaches to leadership problems 32

3.0 Research Methodology 38
3.1 Design of the study 38
3.2 Area of the study 39
3.3 Population of the study 40
3.4 Sample size/sampling techniques 40
3.5 Instrument for data collection 41
3.6 Validity and Reliability of the instrument 41
3.7 Distribution and Retrieval of the instrument 42
3.8 Method of data analysis 44

4.0 Data Presentation and Analysis 45
4.1 Presentation of Findings 45
4.2 Discussion/Analysis of findings 53

5.0 Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 58
5.1 Summary 58
5.2 Conclusion 59
5.3 Recommendations 60
References 62
Appendix 64
Questionnaire 65
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(2016, 10). An Investigation Into The Problems Of Leadership In Tertiary Institutions A Study Of Federal Polytechnic, Oko... Retrieved 10, 2016, from
"An Investigation Into The Problems Of Leadership In Tertiary Institutions A Study Of Federal Polytechnic, Oko.." 10 2016. 2016. 10 2016 <>.
"An Investigation Into The Problems Of Leadership In Tertiary Institutions A Study Of Federal Polytechnic, Oko...", 10 2016. Web. 10 2016. <>.
"An Investigation Into The Problems Of Leadership In Tertiary Institutions A Study Of Federal Polytechnic, Oko..." 10, 2016. Accessed 10, 2016.