This research project is very crucial study of the effect of segmentation in the target marketing of NBL plc Enugu.
To solve the research problem primary and secondary data were collected. The research instrument used in collecting the data were questionnaire and personal oral interview. The respondents compaesed the event staff/management and the customers of the company.
In the organizing and presenting data collected tables, frequencies and percentage were used. The various hypothesis were tested. OP the (S27) questionnaire was distributed, 400 to customer out of which 325 were refurned, representing 840, 87 to distributors out 012 80 were refurned representing 93%.
The objectives of this project are to find out the role of segmentation on the target marketing of NBL product. To find out the major problem falling on segmentation their product services.
The conclusion of the study, CS that organization without an efficient segmentation of market for those product from heterogeneous to homogenous is like an organization without plans to achieve organizational objective. This is because every Brewery product has whose reason for making them available and segmenting these will ensure that are purpose of the Brewery product with treaty every product separately, is the foundational basis for profitability of an organization.
To end this, various recommendation have been made to both organization to the Brewery industry, which is believe will helps to ensure and facolotate the educational level of NBL drink customer increase the profit of the patronge received from the customers, the educational level of the aspons marketer who are willing to enter the made for the first time.
Title page
Approval page
Table of content
Statement of problems
Objective of the study
Formulation of hypothesis
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Concepts of segmentation
Identifying attractive segment
Rational for market segmentation
Steps to entering the target market
Basis for market segmentation
Benefit created by market segmentation.
Research methodology
Population of the study
Sampling techniques
Sample size determination
Research Instrument Used
Method of data treatment and analysis
Limitation of the study
Presentation, analysis and Interpretation of data
Presentation analysis of data
Test of hypothesis
Summary of the findings, Recommendations and Conclusion
Summary of findings
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(2014, 11). The Effect Of Segmentation In The Target Marketing Of Nbl Plc In Enugu State.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/4706/the-effect-of-segmentation-in-the-target-marketing-of-nbl-plc-in-enugu-state-9937
"The Effect Of Segmentation In The Target Marketing Of Nbl Plc In Enugu State." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/4706/the-effect-of-segmentation-in-the-target-marketing-of-nbl-plc-in-enugu-state-9937>.
"The Effect Of Segmentation In The Target Marketing Of Nbl Plc In Enugu State.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/4706/the-effect-of-segmentation-in-the-target-marketing-of-nbl-plc-in-enugu-state-9937>.
"The Effect Of Segmentation In The Target Marketing Of Nbl Plc In Enugu State.." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/4706/the-effect-of-segmentation-in-the-target-marketing-of-nbl-plc-in-enugu-state-9937.
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