The Effect Of Globalization On Banking Operation In Nigeria. (a Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc.)

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The banking industry has witnessed landmark improvements in series delivery and the practice of banking due to globalization of banking operation. 
Globalization is referred to as the inter-play, cooperation and integration of various financial systems of the world via international trade, investment and distribution of vital information aimed towards the creation harmony in the world market, production process and general economy development. 
Globalization has a lot of impact on the banking industries. The unified world economic under has its main vehicle in international trade finance, of which key facilitator are banks and other financial institution. 

To ascertain the effect of globalization on banking operation his Nigerian. Questionnaire was used to get information both staff and customers of first Bank Plc. Kakuri branch, Kaduna South. The chi-square statistics techniques was used to text the hypothesis. The finding of this study reveled that the globalization has a positive impact on banking operation. The banking industry cannot afford to ignore the changes globalization has brought in the banking industry in its operation.

Title Page - - - i
Declaration - - - ii
Approval Page - - - iii
Dedication - - - - iv
Acknowledgement - - v
Abstract - - vii
Table of Content - - viii

1.0 Introduction - - 1
1.1 Background of the Study - - -        3       
1.2 Statement of the Problem - - -        4
1.3 Purpose of the Study - - - -        5
1.4 Significance of the Study   - - - 5
1.5 Research Questions - - 6
1.6 Statement of Hypothesis - - - 6
1.7 Delimitation of the Study - - 6
1.7 Definition of Terms - - - 7

2.0 Introduction - - - 8
2.1 Historical of the Bank - - - 10
2.2 Theoretical Framework - - - 11
2.3 Globalization of Banking Industry - - 14
2.4 The Linkage between Banking Operation and Globalization 19
2.5 Effect of Globalization on Banking Operation/Nigeria Experience 23
2.6 The Challenge in Globalization of Banking Operation -28

3.0 Introduction - - - - 31
3.1 Area of Study  - - - - 31
3.2 Research Design  - - - - 31
3.3 Population of the Study - - - 32
3.4 Sample and Sampling Techniques - - 32
3.5 Instruments for Data Collection - - 33
3.6 Administration of the Instrument   - 35
3.7 Method of Data Analysis and Presentation - - 36

4.0 Introduction - - - - 38
4.1 Presentation and Data Analysis - - 38
4.2 Hypothesis Testing - - - 48
4.3 Interpretation of Result - - - 49
4.4 Findings of the Study - - - 51

5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation - -53
5.1 Summary - - - 53
5.2 Conclusion - - - 55
5.3 Recommendation - - - 55
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(2014, 08). The Effect Of Globalization On Banking Operation In Nigeria. (a Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc.).. Retrieved 08, 2014, from
"The Effect Of Globalization On Banking Operation In Nigeria. (a Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc.)." 08 2014. 2014. 08 2014 <>.
"The Effect Of Globalization On Banking Operation In Nigeria. (a Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc.)..", 08 2014. Web. 08 2014. <>.
"The Effect Of Globalization On Banking Operation In Nigeria. (a Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc.).." 08, 2014. Accessed 08, 2014.

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