Research Paper On The Distribution Of Petroleum Products In Nigeria

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Nigeria is a country richly blessed with abundant natural resources and oil and gas has continued to play a dominant role in her economy. These resources if effectively harnessed and managed will better the lots of all Nigerians of today and the generations yet unborn. 

Unfortunately, the distribution of petroleum products in Nigeria is bedeviled with complex problems resulting sometimes in petroleum

products shortage, inflated prices of products and contentions on the pump price of products. This article will examine the various issues

regarding the distribution of products and recommend viable solutions that could ameliorate the situation. It has been canvassed in

various quarters that the downstream activities of the industry be completely deregulated to allow private sector full participation in

the refining and distribution of the products. It has become extremely pertinent that the participation of private investors and

entrepreneurs will drive effectiveness in the sector. Effectiveness will bring down cost of operations with the consequent reduction of

price of products for the benefit of all the stakeholders in the industry.

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(2015, 08). Research Paper On The Distribution Of Petroleum Products In Nigeria.. Retrieved 08, 2015, from
"Research Paper On The Distribution Of Petroleum Products In Nigeria." 08 2015. 2015. 08 2015 <>.
"Research Paper On The Distribution Of Petroleum Products In Nigeria..", 08 2015. Web. 08 2015. <>.
"Research Paper On The Distribution Of Petroleum Products In Nigeria.." 08, 2015. Accessed 08, 2015.

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