This research project is a very crucial study for the Guinness Nig Plc the study was motivated by the necessity to establish the extent of promotion as a strategic instrument in sales of any manufactured prompts.
Guinness Nig Plc was made use of by the researcher as case of study because of the level and precision this study intends to attain this study was also expected to:
i.Examine the effectiveness of promotion techniques been employed by Guinness Nig Plc.
ii.Determine to which extent this organization have successfully operated its business with the current promotion of its permits
iii.Device ways such that promotion could be used as a strategic instrument in enhancing increase in sales this research work is therefore significant in the sense that it has endeavoured to suggest workable and acceptable guidelines which companies many find useful in handing organizational problems particularly those having to do with promotion.
Three research hypothesis were formulation to avoid deviation from the subject under study. Both primary and secondary serves were used in collection of data the research instrument used in collimating the data were.
In organizing and presenting data collimated tables frequencies and percentages were used to present the raw data in a meaningful manner thereafter the variation hypothesis were tested using chi-square at a degree of 0.05 level of significance.
The following hypotheses were accepted after the test.
i.Malta Guinness is preferred to other competing malt drinks because of its superiority
ii.The price of the product hinges largely on the good will of Guinness trade name.
iii.The price of the product has influenced its share of the market.
Based on the findings the researcher opinion in materials some recommendation which hopefully will be useful to the company under studies in particular and other firm in the industry in general more so the conclusion of the study states that promotion of the product is not only the yard stick to measure the performance of a product in the market. It whose that product superiority good will and other falters normally contribute immensely.
Nevertheless the promotion is the most strategic instrument not only for promoting the sales of a product but also for booking and projecting the overall corporate objectives of a firm.
Cover page
Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
Background of the study
Historical background (Guinness Nig Plc)
Statement of the problem
Objective of the study
Research hypothesis
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Need for the study
Definition of terms.
Literature review
The promo tools
Promotion objectives and is economic importance
Promotion policy/ strategies
Promotion mix strategies
Setting the total promotion budget and mix
Integrating the promotion mix
Promotion procedures
Promotional pricing
Factors influencing promotion decision
Research methodology
Profitability sample
Pilot survey
Source of data
Population of study
Questionnaires administration
Limitation of study
Presentation analysis and interpretation of data
Summary of findings recommendation and conclusion.
Summary of findings
Questionnaires bibliography
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2013, 04). Promotion As A Strategic Instrument In The Sales Of Malt Drinks (a Case Study Of Guinness Nigeria Plc Enugu Metropolis).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 04, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/1375/promotion-as-a-strategic-instrument-in-the-sales-of-malt-drinks-a-case-study-of-guinness-nigeria-plc-enugu-metropolis
"Promotion As A Strategic Instrument In The Sales Of Malt Drinks (a Case Study Of Guinness Nigeria Plc Enugu Metropolis)." ProjectStoc.com. 04 2013. 2013. 04 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/1375/promotion-as-a-strategic-instrument-in-the-sales-of-malt-drinks-a-case-study-of-guinness-nigeria-plc-enugu-metropolis>.
"Promotion As A Strategic Instrument In The Sales Of Malt Drinks (a Case Study Of Guinness Nigeria Plc Enugu Metropolis).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 04 2013. Web. 04 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/1375/promotion-as-a-strategic-instrument-in-the-sales-of-malt-drinks-a-case-study-of-guinness-nigeria-plc-enugu-metropolis>.
"Promotion As A Strategic Instrument In The Sales Of Malt Drinks (a Case Study Of Guinness Nigeria Plc Enugu Metropolis).." ProjectStoc.com. 04, 2013. Accessed 04, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/1375/promotion-as-a-strategic-instrument-in-the-sales-of-malt-drinks-a-case-study-of-guinness-nigeria-plc-enugu-metropolis.
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