In the work, samples of Garri obtained from Ogbete market were evaluated for microbial contamination. Four sample of Garri from different sources of supple were collected from Ogbete main market Enugu Okwo, Nkalagu, Emene, and Abakaliki respectively. The sample were extracted using equal volume of sterile distilled water and serially diluted appropriately and the cultured for the growth of microben. The growth were further suspected to biochemical tests, characterization for confirmatory diagnosis organism isolated include staphylococcus aureus, clostridium perferingens, Clostridium botulism and vibroi parahamolyticus.
The evaluation show that Abakaliki Garri have more microbial spores than others. This can be because of handler or jute bag or moisture which help in the increase of the microbial load. This was involve the microbial analysis of Garri produced from four major production sites namely: Nkalafi Okwuo imene Aba and collected from the major marketing site Ogbetet main Enugu. The sample digest were extracted wing equal oplungs of sterile distilled water and serially distilled appropriately and the cultured for the growths of microben. The growth New further subject to biochemical tests characterization for canisimatory diagnosis. Organism isolated indade staphylococcus aureus; sodium peferefusu, clostridian trotulium and vibro para haemolylica
Title page
List of tables
List of figures
Table of cosntent
2.1 Food as a vehicle for certain diseases
2.2 Types of food poisoning organisms
2.3 Treatment of food poisoning
2.4 Prevention of food poisoning
3.1 Material and methods
3.2 Methods
3.2.1Sterilization of materials
3.2.2Collection of samples
3.2.3Preparation of culture media
3.2.4Preparation of samples
3.2.5Serial / 10-fold dilution technique
3.2.6Plating technique
3.2.7Bacterial count, gram staining and microscopic work
3.2.8Biochemical test for identification of bacterial isolates
5.1 Discussion
5.2 Conclusion / recommendation
5.3 Appendix
5.4 References
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(2013, 03). The Evaluation Of Microorganisms On Garri At Ogbete Market.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 03, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/1085/the-evaluation-of-microorganisms-on-garri-at-ogbete-market
"The Evaluation Of Microorganisms On Garri At Ogbete Market." ProjectStoc.com. 03 2013. 2013. 03 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/1085/the-evaluation-of-microorganisms-on-garri-at-ogbete-market>.
"The Evaluation Of Microorganisms On Garri At Ogbete Market.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 03 2013. Web. 03 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/1085/the-evaluation-of-microorganisms-on-garri-at-ogbete-market>.
"The Evaluation Of Microorganisms On Garri At Ogbete Market.." ProjectStoc.com. 03, 2013. Accessed 03, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/1085/the-evaluation-of-microorganisms-on-garri-at-ogbete-market.
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