this study was carried out to compare the managerial effectiveness of principals of private and public secondary schools in awka south local government area of anambra state. the study was gui...
Premium 25 pages 4548 words Paper All Levels
this paper examined the strategies used by nigeria universities in the management of inter-group conflicts. survey research design was used for the study while questionnaire was employed as da...
Premium 39 pages 9373 words Paper All Levels
the aim of this research was to find out what role and to what extent the public relations department of premier breweries ltd onitsha would play in trying to improve and maintain a good and c...
Premium 23 pages 3341 words Paper All Levels
This study presents an extended technology acceptance model that integrates innovation diffusion theory to investigate what determine user mobile commerce acceptance. this paper models t...
Premium 33 pages 7150 words Paper All Levels
:this study examines the management of disengagement and accrued benefits in the public sector of nigeria, with specific focus on the federal civil service. in doing this, certain objectives w...
Premium 22 pages 7412 words Paper All Levels
the main thrust of the social contract theory is that the government exists at the behest of the citizens to protect, and to promote the well-being of, the people. this study examines the relevance of...
Premium 22 pages 5971 words Paper All Levels
The civil service has over the period lost its inherited professionalism, political neutrality and developmental meritocratic ethos. the multiplier effect of which is the failure of the effo...
Premium 56 pages 10172 words Paper All Levels
Introduction:definition of public policy implementation:what is policy implementation?• represents the stage where government executes an adopted policy as specified by the legislat...
Premium 8 pages 3298 words Paper All Levels
This report provides a comprehensive summary of the basic information on the importance of the course co-operative development to the public administration student. it covers the nature and ex...
Premium 14 pages 1756 words Paper All Levels
The development of an efficient transportation system is often regarded as crucial to the process of economic development of a country (nigeria). this is because transport in any form is essen...
Premium 95 pages 14715 words Paper All Levels