The study of organisation is incomplete without the study of the human component of the organisation. it is the interest in the human aspect of organisation that has led to the study of the means and...
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This study examined corruption as amain plague of nigerian civil service; the analysis in retrospect. hermeneuticsmodel of analytical conceptual pattern was adopted for this study....
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nigerian government have been trying to better the lives of their citizens as well asnarrow the gap between the nation and the advance nations of the world. themost popular means of doing tha...
Free 14 pages 3629 words Paper All Levels
nationalization, privatization and commercialization of businesses nationalization this simple means the taking over or acquisition of previously privately owned business enterprises by the...
Premium 16 pages 2092 words Paper All Levels
Federal systems by their nature are complex administrative designs because they involve multiple levels of government.nigeria federal system is thus beset by a lot of complex challenges...
Premium 12 pages 1357 words Paper All Levels
in large organizations the administration of access privileges (such as the assignment of an access right to a user in a particular role) is handled cooperatively through distributed administr...
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meaning of theory theory like any other concept in management or social science is faced with the problem of generally acceptable definitions. this is as a result of the fact that different...
Premium 12 pages 1438 words Paper All Levels
this project work “the problems of working capital management in the private sector” affords the reader a step by step approach to the study of the rast filed of private sector and the pr...
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To address the pitfalls and many of thechallenges associated with the Land Use Act of 1978, it has been argued thatthe country needs a ‘Land Adjudication Act’ (LAA) that would allow rights to...
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Federal Character Principle was the product of Gowon Administration when after the Civil War when it was believed that Igbos occupied major ministries. But that should not border any body because Igbo...
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