The Role Of Informal Organisation In Formal Organisations

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The study of organisation is incomplete without the study of the human component of the organisation. It is the interest in the human aspect of organisation that has led to the study of the means and modes of interaction among the employees in, or the workforce of, an organisation as well as the ways in which these interactions affect the organisation as a whole, in its quest for goal-attainment. In other words, the interest in ascertaining the role of human relations in organisations brought about the study of informal organisation within (and, sometimes, alongside or outside) the formal organisation. This study examines the definitions of organisation, formal organisation and informal organisation; how informal organisations arise; the role of informal organisation in formal organisation; the features of informal organisation; the place and relevance of informal communication in both informal and formal organisation; as well as the advantages and disadvantages of informal organisation. The study relies mainly on secondary data. The study concludes that, despite its shortcomings, the informal organisation plays a vital role in the attainment of the goals of the formal organisation.

Keywords: Organisation, informal organisation, formal organisation

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(2015, 09). The Role Of Informal Organisation In Formal Organisations.. Retrieved 09, 2015, from
"The Role Of Informal Organisation In Formal Organisations." 09 2015. 2015. 09 2015 <>.
"The Role Of Informal Organisation In Formal Organisations..", 09 2015. Web. 09 2015. <>.
"The Role Of Informal Organisation In Formal Organisations.." 09, 2015. Accessed 09, 2015.

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