Conflict Management In Nigeria Government Establishment (a Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority) N.t.a) Enugu State

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The topic of this study is on conflict management in Nigeria Government Establishment; A case study of Nigeria Television Authority (N.T.A) Enugu. The need for this research project arises as a result of the inevitability of conflict on organizations, and the inability of some management to understand that conflict is not warfare, wasteful and harmful, but a normal process and should be handled in a constructive way to reap the reward associated with it and evade the evil inherent in it. The researchers in carrying out the study formulated four research questions and they formed the basis of the questionnaire development, the researchers reviewed a sizeable related literature on the subject and the opinion of the researchers incorporated on each section of the review. The researches used both primary and secondary sources of data collection with the structured questionnaire as the major instrument employed. The population of the study is 423 staff of the Nigeria television authority (NTA) Enugu, in order to reduce the figure to a researchable size, yamani statistical formular was used to arrive at the sample size of 206. After the collection of the distributed questionnaire, 162 copies were used for the analysis which was the good number of the instrument returned by the respondents. The simple random sampling technique was used in selecting the sample for the study where the data collected were presented and analyzed using frequencies, percentages, and tables. The findings reveal that conflicts of different naturalist in Nigeria television authority (NTA) Enugu in particular and the Nigeria government establishment in general. The study discovered that the common nature of conflict in these organizations include; power tussle conflict, inadequate compensation conflict, employment condition conflict and interactive conflict. It was discovered that employment relationship, antiquity over responsibility and authority, government interference, salary and other compensations are the major sources of conflict in the organization. It was also discovered that the operating environment of these organizations contributes to conflict to a large extent, where integration or accommodating, compromise and collaboration were identified as the effective way of managing conflicts. Based on these findings, the researchers recommended that management should recognize the inevitability of conflict an organizations and set aside a concrete strategy of resoling it that will benefit the parties involved. Also management should monitor all likely sources of conflict to prevent or reduce the chances of its occurrence. The researcher also recommended the need for orientation of workers on regular basis stressing the primary position of organizational interest to personal ones. The need to make sure that employment agreements are maintained, and the operating environment and organizational structure are favourable to both the management and the workers were also recommended. Finally, the researchers recommended that management should adopt a good strategy that will benefit the conflicting parties a managing or resolving conflict when it arises.       

Title page
Table of content

1.1 Background and need for the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Theoretical foundations of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Scope of the study
1.8 Limitations of the study
1.9 Definition of terms and acronyms

2.0 Review of related literature
2.1 Meaning and perspective of conflict
2.2 Forms and causes of organizational conflicts
2.3 Sources of organizational conflict
2.4 Impacts of conflict in an organization
2.5 Strategies for managing conflict in an organization 

3.0  Research design and methodology
3.1  Research design and method
3.2  Sources of data
3.2.1Primary sources of data
3.2.2Secondary sources of data
3.3  Location of the study
3.4  Population for the study
3.5  Sample size and sampling technique
3.6  Instrumentation
3.7  Validity of the instrument
3.8  Reliability of the instrument
3.9  Method of data collection
3.10 Instrument return pate

4.0 Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data 

5.0 Summary of findings, recommendations and conclusion
5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion

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(2013, 05). Conflict Management In Nigeria Government Establishment (a Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority) N.t.a) Enugu State.. Retrieved 05, 2013, from
"Conflict Management In Nigeria Government Establishment (a Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority) N.t.a) Enugu State." 05 2013. 2013. 05 2013 <>.
"Conflict Management In Nigeria Government Establishment (a Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority) N.t.a) Enugu State..", 05 2013. Web. 05 2013. <>.
"Conflict Management In Nigeria Government Establishment (a Case Study Of Nigeria Television Authority) N.t.a) Enugu State.." 05, 2013. Accessed 05, 2013.

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