Customer Relationship Management

ProjectStoc - 24 pages 10553 words 1369 views Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level Public Administration ₦2500 Naira ($6.58 USD)

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Customer relationship management aims to increase an organization's sales by promoting customer satisfaction, and can be achieved using tools such as relationship marketing.
CRM is particularly important in the sphere of e-commerce, as there is no personal interaction between the vendor and the customer. A website therefore has to work hard to develop the relationship with customers and demonstrate that their business is valued. A CRM system generally includes some or all of the following components: customer information systems, personalization systems, content management systems, call center automation, data warehousing, data mining, sales force automation, and campaign management systems. All these elements combine to provide the essentials of CRM: understanding customer needs; anticipating their information requirements; answering their questions promptly and comprehensively; delivering exactly what they order; making deliveries on time; and suggesting new products that they will be genuinely interested in.

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(2015, 10). Customer Relationship Management.. Retrieved 10, 2015, from
"Customer Relationship Management." 10 2015. 2015. 10 2015 <>.
"Customer Relationship Management..", 10 2015. Web. 10 2015. <>.
"Customer Relationship Management.." 10, 2015. Accessed 10, 2015.

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