Microbial analyses were carried out on the shell of the edible nuts of African walnut (Tetracarpidium conophorum). This study was aimed at determining the microbial load of boiled and raw African walnut shell and chicken dropping which can be used as inoculums in biodegradation process in order to solve the problem of agro waste pollution in the environment.
The nuts were sorted and washed with tap water to remove flesh residues and other contaminants and divided into two lots. The first lot was boiled for 1.5 h. The second lot was used raw; the raw nut and the boiled nut were then unshelled and the shells were dried at 60◦ C for 5days in the oven.
The dried shells were grind and analyzed. Bacterial and fungal evaluations of the shell from nut were done using the agar diffusion technique with serial dilutions of the grind shell and the same process for chicken droppings. Forty Grams (40g) of the grind walnut shells were weighed and put in a sterile cover bowl and 20ml of sterile distilled water was added to the samples under a sterile condition and was gently mixed with sterile spatula. The grind walnut shell and chicken dropping was done in Ratio 1:1 and 2:1. Microorganisms were isolated and identified. The microbial analysis revealed that the boiled shell accommodate a large number of microorganism compared to that of raw. The result show that the microorganisms present in the walnut shell were increasing as the day is increasing and latter begins to decrease
Title Page
Table of content
List of Tables
Aim of study
Objectives of the study
Literature review
Origin of nut
Storage and selection of TetracarpidiumConophorum
fungus damage and control of TetracarpidiumConophorumshell
medicinal value of TetracarpidiumConophorum
Nutritional value of TetracarpidiumConophorum
Industrial value of TetracarpidiumConophorum
Materials and method
Study Area
Medial used
Chemical reagent used
Collection of sample
Walnut shell sample
Chicken Dropping Sample
Media preparation and sterilization
Microbiological Analyses of Samples
African walnut Shell
Chicken Droppings
Microbial count
Isolation of pure isolates
Preservation of isolated microorganism
Biochemical Characterization of Bacterial Isolates
The Gram Reaction
Gram Staining
Potassium Hydroxide Grams reaction
Catalase test
Sugar fermentation test (sucrose, mannitol, lactose and fructose)
Sugar test fermentation
Characterization of Fungi Isolates
Biodegradation of Grind walnut Shell and Chicken Droppings
Result and Discussion
Total viable microbial count on the samples
Total microbial Viable Count from Natural Degrading Boiled African Walnut Shell
Microbial Viable Count from Natural Degrading Raw African Walnut Shell
Total viable microbial count of degrading from African Walnut Shell Inoculated with Chicken Droppings at ratio
Total viable microbial count of Degrading from African Walnut Shell Inoculated with Chicken Droppings at ratio
Morphological and microscopic characteristics of isolate colonies from the samples
Morphological and Microscopic characteristics of microbial isolate colonies from the Degrading African Walnut Shell
Morphological and Microscopic characteristics of microbial isolate colonies from
the Degrading African Walnut Shell
Morphological and Microscopic characteristics of microbial isolate colonies from
the Degrading African Walnut Shell
Biochemical Characteristics of the isolate
Biochemical Characteristics of the isolate
Total Tritratable Acid of Degrading African Walnut Shell
PH reading of Degrading African walnut shell
Conclusion and Recommendation
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(2016, 08). Isolation And Characterization Of Microorganisms Associated With Biodegradation Of The African Walnut Shells Using Chicken Droppings As Innoculum.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 08, 2016, from https://projectstoc.com/read/7949/isolation-and-characterization-of-microorganisms-associated-with-biodegradation-of-the-african-walnut-shells-using-chicken-droppings-as-innoculum-3321
"Isolation And Characterization Of Microorganisms Associated With Biodegradation Of The African Walnut Shells Using Chicken Droppings As Innoculum." ProjectStoc.com. 08 2016. 2016. 08 2016 <https://projectstoc.com/read/7949/isolation-and-characterization-of-microorganisms-associated-with-biodegradation-of-the-african-walnut-shells-using-chicken-droppings-as-innoculum-3321>.
"Isolation And Characterization Of Microorganisms Associated With Biodegradation Of The African Walnut Shells Using Chicken Droppings As Innoculum.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 08 2016. Web. 08 2016. <https://projectstoc.com/read/7949/isolation-and-characterization-of-microorganisms-associated-with-biodegradation-of-the-african-walnut-shells-using-chicken-droppings-as-innoculum-3321>.
"Isolation And Characterization Of Microorganisms Associated With Biodegradation Of The African Walnut Shells Using Chicken Droppings As Innoculum.." ProjectStoc.com. 08, 2016. Accessed 08, 2016. https://projectstoc.com/read/7949/isolation-and-characterization-of-microorganisms-associated-with-biodegradation-of-the-african-walnut-shells-using-chicken-droppings-as-innoculum-3321.
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