The antibacterial activity of sweet orange(citrus smensin) on staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli isolated from would infection was studied. A total number of 100 wound sample were collected form different individual from different age range within 5-8years and examined,. The test organisms S auras and E coli were cultured separately on Nutrient and macconkey agar plate and incubated for 24 hrs at 37)c. the highest isolation of bacterial organisms was obtained in staphylococcus auras as 100 (32%) followed by Escherichia coli as 92 (29%) there were isolation of other organisms, Klebsiella species was 76 (24%) followed by pseudomonas 44 (14%) the average zone of inhibition of orange extract on S aureus was 1.8 mm and E. coli was 1.9mm also out of 100 person with S. aureus 72 showed sensitive to orange extract and out of 92 person with E coli 77 were sensitive to orange extract. The average zone of inhibition exhibited by these drug on S. aureus were 8.95mm for Drovid 6.74 mm for ciprofloxacin while on E coli the average zones of inhibition were 8.63mm for Drovid 6.67mm for Enythrompcin 4.47mm for anbtpicillin and 6.57mm for ciprofloxacin. The result of the sensitivity pathen of both orange extant and antibiotics on S aureus and E coli showed that some of the isolated organisms were susceptible while some were resistance to both orange extract and antibiotics. The result should that the zone of inhibition of the orange extract were minimal on both S. aureus and E coli when compared to the zone of inhibition of the tested antibiotics on both organisms through the inhibition level of orange extract invitro (outside the body) is minimal, its active ingredient vitamin C boosts the immune system invivo (insove the body) by increasing the production of B and T cells and other white blood cells including those that destroy micro organisms.
Title page
Table of content
List of table
1.O Introduction
2.0 Literature Review
3.0 Material and methods
3.2.1 sterilization
3.2.2 procurement of sweet oranges
3.2.3 extraction of orange juice
3.2.4 preparation of ourture media
3.2.5 plating technique (streak method) for the isolation of bacterial organisms.
3.2.6 Microbial containing and microscopic work
3.2.7 Biochemical tests for identification of bacteria’s isolates
3.2.8 Preparation of disc or sensitivity testing o the orange extract.
3.2.9 Sensitivity disc testing using sweet orange extract on isolated organisms.
3.2.10 Antibiotic sensitivity disc testing on isolated bacterial organisms.
4.0 Result
5.0 Discussion
6.0 Conclusion and recommendation
7.0 Reference
8.0 Appendix
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(2014, 10). Antibacterial Activity Of Sweet Orange (citrus Sinensis) On Staphylococcus Aureus And Escherichia Coli Isolated From Wound Infected.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 10, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/3803/antibacterial-activity-of-sweet-orange-citrus-sinensis-on-staphylococcus-aureus-and-escherichia-coli-isolated-from-wound-infected-8698
"Antibacterial Activity Of Sweet Orange (citrus Sinensis) On Staphylococcus Aureus And Escherichia Coli Isolated From Wound Infected." ProjectStoc.com. 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/3803/antibacterial-activity-of-sweet-orange-citrus-sinensis-on-staphylococcus-aureus-and-escherichia-coli-isolated-from-wound-infected-8698>.
"Antibacterial Activity Of Sweet Orange (citrus Sinensis) On Staphylococcus Aureus And Escherichia Coli Isolated From Wound Infected.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/3803/antibacterial-activity-of-sweet-orange-citrus-sinensis-on-staphylococcus-aureus-and-escherichia-coli-isolated-from-wound-infected-8698>.
"Antibacterial Activity Of Sweet Orange (citrus Sinensis) On Staphylococcus Aureus And Escherichia Coli Isolated From Wound Infected.." ProjectStoc.com. 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/3803/antibacterial-activity-of-sweet-orange-citrus-sinensis-on-staphylococcus-aureus-and-escherichia-coli-isolated-from-wound-infected-8698.
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