Production Of Amylase From Isolated Micrococcus From Fermented Ugba

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Ugba (Ukpaka) is the Ibo name of the fermented African Oilbean seeds (Pentaclethra macrophylla, Benth). It is a popular traditional food condiment in Nigeria especially among Ibo ethnic group generally. It is produced by natural (local) fermentation in homes as a small family business. It is an important and cheap source of protein for people whose staple foods are deficient in proteins. It is also eaten as a delicacy and used as flavouring for soup. This write up aims to describe the process of isolating micrococcus from fermented ugba and producing amylase from the micrococcus of ugba. It reviewed all published studies on ugba in the direction of the various methods used in the production, the chemical composition of the seeds, the microorganisms involved and the biochemical changes that occur during fermentation and optimization of the fermentation. 

Title Page

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Aims And Objectives

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Fermented Foods
2.2 Pentaclethra Macrophylla
2.3 Botany
2.4 Ecology
2.5 Growth And Development 
2.6 Method Of Production
2.6.1 Microorganism Involved In Ugba Fermentation:
2.6.2 Ugba Fermentation
2.6.3 Ugba Defects
2.6.4 Shelf Life And Preservation Of Ugba
2.6.5 Uses/ Application Of Ugba
2.7 Micrococcus Species In Ugba
2.8. Environmental Isolation Of Micrococcus
2.8.1 Pathogenesis
2.8.2 Industrial Uses Of Micrococci

Chapter Three 
3.0 Materials And Method
3.1 Equipment
3.1.1 Media
3.1.2 Reagents
3.2 Sample Collection
3.3 Isolation Of Micrococcus From Ugba
3.4 Identification Of Isolates
3.5 Gram Staining
3.6 Biochemical Tests 
3.6.1 Catalase Test
3.6.2 Citrate Test 
3.6.3 Oxidase Test
3.6.4 Coagulase Test
3.6.5 Methyl Red Test
3.7 Culture Conditions And Amylase Production 
3.8 Amylase Assay

Chapter Four 
4.0 Results 
4.1 Isolation Of Micrococcus Sp
4.2 Growth Of Micrococcus Sp In Different Types Of Media
4.3 Amylase Production

Chapter Five
5.0 Discussion, Conclusion And Recommendation 
5.1 Discussion
5.2 Conclusion 
5.3 Recommendation
Appendix I
Appendix II

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(2012, 12). Production Of Amylase From Isolated Micrococcus From Fermented Ugba.. Retrieved 12, 2012, from
"Production Of Amylase From Isolated Micrococcus From Fermented Ugba." 12 2012. 2012. 12 2012 <>.
"Production Of Amylase From Isolated Micrococcus From Fermented Ugba..", 12 2012. Web. 12 2012. <>.
"Production Of Amylase From Isolated Micrococcus From Fermented Ugba.." 12, 2012. Accessed 12, 2012.

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