Consequences Of Water Pollution And The Way Forward Among Local Communities In Nigeria

Oise Ailevboise - 7 pages 3665 words 497 views Paper All Levels Microbiology ₦1500 Naira ($3.95 USD)

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The paper focuses primarily on the causes, consequences and ways of mitigating the ongoing fresh water pollution problems among Nigerian communities. Adequate supply of safe and sanitized fresh water is an inevitable factor for human and economic development. Although the recent global attention focuses on how the current and foreseeable water crisis and associated consequences would be addressed, lack of education, low budgetary funding, inefficient government policies, corruption, drought and other anthropogenic factors are increasingly contributing to the pollution of domestic water in Nigeria. The homes, local markets, abattoirs, oil and agricultural activities are consistently severing the limited fresh water sources through disposal of harmful wastes. This led to the emergence of several diseases and heavy metals poisoning across the country. The only ways forward are the proper sanitary, awareness and waste management education, adequate funding of water resources and health sectors, effective implementation of judicial measures and adoption of
lessons from key developed countries like United Kingdom. A “collective” approach is required for successful implementations.

Keywords: Local communities, water, pollution, causes, effects, Nigeria
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(2021, 09). Consequences Of Water Pollution And The Way Forward Among Local Communities In Nigeria.. Retrieved 09, 2021, from
"Consequences Of Water Pollution And The Way Forward Among Local Communities In Nigeria." 09 2021. 2021. 09 2021 <>.
"Consequences Of Water Pollution And The Way Forward Among Local Communities In Nigeria..", 09 2021. Web. 09 2021. <>.
"Consequences Of Water Pollution And The Way Forward Among Local Communities In Nigeria.." 09, 2021. Accessed 09, 2021.

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