The intruder alarm system was designed and build in order to let the industrial and commercial company know how important alarm system is all about. These can be of Good help if the intruder will look through this project and support for the development of this project as to let the Federal Government know that the young engineering of today can produce (construct) things that will help the economic and growth in developing this country is technology
The intruder alarm system uses electric component to achieve the alarm sound, these components are integrated circuit (ICI,) Register, capacitors and speaker which when combined together it give an alarm system that can be used in houses, industry and commercial company. And how it can be operated. This project does a long way to give evidence and show that it can be use in the economic in favour of electronics and its usefulness in our present life days. WE suggest that this our project should be looked into by the school administration to see the possibilities of producing this alarm system in a commercial has been made by so doing we will help encourage our nations policy indigenous technology
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction
2.1 Block Diagram Circuit Implementation of Proposal Intruder Alarm Unit
2.2 Power Supply Section (Alternating Current)
2.3 Rectification
2.4 Regulated Power Supply
3.1 Application of 555 Timing Circuit
3.2 Monostable or One Short and Astable Mode
3.3 Alarm Section
3.4 Application
3.5 Audio Amplifier
1.6 Amplifier Coupling
1.7 Amplifier Section
Complete Circuit
4.1 Loved Speaker
4.2 Basic Moving Coil Loved Speaker
5.1 Construction of an Intruder Alarm System
5.2 System Construction
5.3 Function of the Component
5.4 Operation of the System
6.1 Recommendation/Conclusion
6.2 Conclusion
6.3 Reference.
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes
(2014, 12). Construction Of An Intruder Alarm System.. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 12, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/5682/construction-of-an-intruder-alarm-system-2493
"Construction Of An Intruder Alarm System." ProjectStoc.com. 12 2014. 2014. 12 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/5682/construction-of-an-intruder-alarm-system-2493>.
"Construction Of An Intruder Alarm System.." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 12 2014. Web. 12 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/5682/construction-of-an-intruder-alarm-system-2493>.
"Construction Of An Intruder Alarm System.." ProjectStoc.com. 12, 2014. Accessed 12, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/5682/construction-of-an-intruder-alarm-system-2493.
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