The Role Of Marketing Co-operatives In Economic Development Of Nigeria (a Case Study Of Rice Marketing Co-operative In Ugbawka, Nkanu-east Local Government Area)

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This project looked into the role of marketing co-operative in economics development of Nigeria. (A case study of Rice Marketing Co-operative in Ugbawka, Nkanu East). A survey was conducted on the type of marketing co-operatives in Ugbawka Nkanu –East and the management and organization of Ugbawka marketing co-operatives, to obtain relevant data on the views of the respondents towards the marketing co-operatives. The information was collected from two categories of respondents viz: members of the organization and the local government co-operative council of Nkanu-East Local Government Area.
The major instrument used for data collection was questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed using the percentage system of data analysis. The study found out that the societies in the area encouraged the habit of savings among members, give little loans to members and foster unity among them. They also sell goods at low prices ad produce food stuff (rice) for the area.
However, the study showed that growth of marketing co-operatives in the area is affected by problems such as frauds, ineffective management by those in charge of running the co-operatives, lack of finance and non-payment of loans among others.

Title page
Approval page

Chapter One
Background of the study
Statement of problem
Purpose of study
Significance of the study
Research Questions
Definitions of Terms

Chapter Two
Literature Review
History of marketing co-operative in Nigeria
Marketing co-operatives
Economics Development
Marketing co-operatives and development in Nkanu East
Functions of Ugbawka Rice marketing co-operative
Criteria for performance appraisal
Structure and organization of marketing co-operative in Nigeria.

Chapter Three
Research Methodology 
Sources of Data Collection
Population of the study
Description of data
Method of Analysis of data

Chapter Four
Data presentation and analysis

Chapter Five
Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion
Remarks on findings

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(2014, 12). The Role Of Marketing Co-operatives In Economic Development Of Nigeria (a Case Study Of Rice Marketing Co-operative In Ugbawka, Nkanu-east Local Government Area).. Retrieved 12, 2014, from
"The Role Of Marketing Co-operatives In Economic Development Of Nigeria (a Case Study Of Rice Marketing Co-operative In Ugbawka, Nkanu-east Local Government Area)." 12 2014. 2014. 12 2014 <>.
"The Role Of Marketing Co-operatives In Economic Development Of Nigeria (a Case Study Of Rice Marketing Co-operative In Ugbawka, Nkanu-east Local Government Area)..", 12 2014. Web. 12 2014. <>.
"The Role Of Marketing Co-operatives In Economic Development Of Nigeria (a Case Study Of Rice Marketing Co-operative In Ugbawka, Nkanu-east Local Government Area).." 12, 2014. Accessed 12, 2014.

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