The importance of personal selling cannot be over emphasized. This has informed this study which is on the impact of personal selling on the marketing of beverages. A case study of Milo.
The objective, the study among other things include:
- To determine the impact of personal selling on the marketing of Milo.
- To find out whether personal selling strategy adopted in the marketing of Milo has any significant impact on the sales volume of the product.
- To determine whether the personal selling strategy adopted in the marketing of Milo is adequate.
Based on this, an indepth literature review was conducted on related materials and data were also sourced using questionnaire and personal interview.
The population of study include consumers of Milo, dealers and employees of Nestle makers of Milo.
Statistical techniques and method such as topman and Bournleys formulaa were used to determine the sample size while tables and percentages were used for the analysis.
Data collected were clinically analysed and used in the testing of hypothesis formaulated.
Thus the following findings were made.
That personal selling strategy adopted in the marketing of Milo have positive impact on the performance of the product.
That personal selling strategy builds good will for both the company and its product.
In the light of this, recommendations were made on how to effectively and efficiently exploit the benefits of personal selling strategy particularly in the marketing of Milo within Enugu metropolis.
Title Page II
Approval page III
Dedication IV
Acknowledgement V
Abstract VII
Table of contents IX
1.1 background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the study 6
1.4 Formulation of hypothesis 7
1.5 Significance of the study 8
1.6 Scope of the study 9
1.7 Definition of terms 9
2.1 Concept and meaning of personal selling 11
2.2 Personal selling as a promotional tool 13
2.3 Personal selling positions 15
2.4 Personal selling functions 17
2.5 Personal selling process 20
2.6 The role of personal selling in the marketing of beverages 29
2.7 Prospects of personal selling 31
2.8 Characteristics of sales force 33
2.9 Information gathering function of the salesperson 37
2.10 Tasks perform by salesperson 44
2.11 Personal selling strategies 49
3.1 Research methodology 54
3.2 Sources of data 54
3.3 Research instrument 55
3.4 Population of study 55
3.5 Sampling technique 55
3.6 Determination of sample size 56
3.7 Method of questionnaire distributed 63
3.8 Test statistics used.
4.1 Data presentation, and interpretation 65
4.2 Testing of hypothesis 70
5.1 Summary of findings 75
5.2 Conclusions 77
5.3 Recommendations 76
5.4 Bibliography 79
5.5 Appendix 80
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(2014, 11). The Impact Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Beverages In Enugu State (a Case Study Of Milo Product Of Nestle Nigeria Plc).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/4672/the-impact-of-personal-selling-in-the-marketing-of-beverages-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-milo-product-of-nestle-nigeria-plc-8544
"The Impact Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Beverages In Enugu State (a Case Study Of Milo Product Of Nestle Nigeria Plc)." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/4672/the-impact-of-personal-selling-in-the-marketing-of-beverages-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-milo-product-of-nestle-nigeria-plc-8544>.
"The Impact Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Beverages In Enugu State (a Case Study Of Milo Product Of Nestle Nigeria Plc).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/4672/the-impact-of-personal-selling-in-the-marketing-of-beverages-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-milo-product-of-nestle-nigeria-plc-8544>.
"The Impact Of Personal Selling In The Marketing Of Beverages In Enugu State (a Case Study Of Milo Product Of Nestle Nigeria Plc).." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/4672/the-impact-of-personal-selling-in-the-marketing-of-beverages-in-enugu-state-a-case-study-of-milo-product-of-nestle-nigeria-plc-8544.
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