An Analysis Of The Problems And Prospects Of Classified Advertising In Enugu Metropolis

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This study was carried at analyzing the effectiveness and problems of classified advertising in Enugu. The study appraised the use of classified advertising in Enugu metropolis its perception by the Enugu audience, its advantages and major set backs. The study also examined the extent to which classified advertising achieves advertisement objectives in Enugu and the various opportunities and benefit of classified advert which media organisation and advertisers in Enugu can exploit. Finally, the study tried to find out the ethical level of classified advertising in Enugu metropolis. 
To generate answers to the study two sets of questionnaires were administered. One to the print media organisations and the other to advertisers and consumers of classified columns. It was discovered after a detailed analysis. The hypotheses formulated where tested using chi- square (X2). The sample size were determining using Topman formular fo advertiser. (Customers) why senses survey was used for management and relevant staff. 
Tompan formula. Z2pq
n = sample 
z = standard deviation (or the desired 1.96)
and estimated standard error of 5% 
Z = 1.96 
e = 0.05 
p = 0.9 
q = 0.9 
The sample size (N) was calculated as 
n = (2)e (P) (1 – P) 
n = (1 – 96)2 (0.9 )(1 – 0.9)
n = (1 – 96)2 (0.9 )( 0.1)
    n = 3.8416
n = 138.292
The data generated through the two sets of questionnaires that classified advertising is not frequently used by advertisers in Enugu metropolis, at the same time many users in Enugu metropolis are skeptical about its operation. The cost of classified advertising was considered by many advertisers to be moderated when related to other advertisement modes in Enugu. Also classified advertising was seen to have two major advantages in the sense that advertisers see it as being relatively cheap and easy to use.    
Other findings made in this study are that classified advertising in Enugu is mainly used by lower class advertisers who normally advertise change of name, general goods, employment, real estate activities and others. 
In this order of frequency. This nullified the initial position held that classified advertising is used for inconsequential purposdes. The research also revealed that classified advertising has low readership in Enugu metropolis and is not a major profit center in the print industry.  Finally, it was observed that classified advertising at present is not an effective advertising mode in Enugu and that it has low ethical rating.    
Following these finding, the researcher recommended that print media organisation should present a united front to enlightened both the masses and advertisers on the operation and users of classified advertising. To make classified advertising a major profit center, aggressive marketing of classified column was recommended. Garing readership was recommended to be made part of the marketing task in the print business. this will help talkle the general low readership for classified advertising. On the low ethical relating for classified advertising, a more formal approach for the verification of claims in the classified adverts was recommended. 
Classified adverts should also be made more conspicuous by making good use of design elements.  More e of this sort was also recommended to reveal low classified advertising can be effectively used in Enugu metropolis.
Title Page II
Approval page III
Dedication IV
Acknowledgement V
Abstract VI
Table of content   X
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of problem 4
1.3 Objectives of the study 5
1.4 Statement of hypothesis 5
1.5 Significance of the study 6
1.6 Scope of the study 7
1.7 Definition of terms 7

Literature review 
2.1 Overview of Advertising 9
2.2 The roles of advertising in marketing 12
2.3 Advertising to the marketing mix 15
2.4 Types of advertising   17
2.5 Overview of classified advertising 19
2.6 Role of classified advertising 21
2.7 The use of classified advertising in Enugu metropolis 25
2.8 Future of classified advertising in Enugu metropolis 25

Research methodology 
3.1 Sources of data 26
3.2 Population of the study 27
3.3 Sampling techniques 27
3.4 Sample size determination 27
3.5 Research rest used 31
3.6 Method of data treatment and analysis 31
3.7 Limitations 32

Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data 
4.1 Presentation and analysis of data 33
4.2 Test of hypotheses. 49

Summary of findings, recommendations and conclusion 
5.1 Summary of findings 57
5.2 Recommendations 60
5.3 Conclusion 61
Bibliography 63
Appendix 66

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(2014, 11). An Analysis Of The Problems And Prospects Of Classified Advertising In Enugu Metropolis.. Retrieved 11, 2014, from
"An Analysis Of The Problems And Prospects Of Classified Advertising In Enugu Metropolis." 11 2014. 2014. 11 2014 <>.
"An Analysis Of The Problems And Prospects Of Classified Advertising In Enugu Metropolis..", 11 2014. Web. 11 2014. <>.
"An Analysis Of The Problems And Prospects Of Classified Advertising In Enugu Metropolis.." 11, 2014. Accessed 11, 2014.

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