A Study Of The Impact Of Time Management In Some Selected Commercial Banks In Enugu.

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This research work deals with the impact of time management in some selected commercial Banks in Enugu, as a field of study. This research work comprises five chapters.
Chapter one deals with general discussion of the impact of time management how and where it was discover their significant also the objectives. It went further to state the problems and why this study was carried out, and finally stated some research questions.
A number of past related literature examined by other studies as it related to the application of management were highlighted in chapter two.
Chapter three deals with the design of the study, the methods used in collecting relevant data, it also explains how questionnaires were administered and the treatment of data
The data gotten from the research survey were analyzed and interpreted in chapter four. Also similar questions on both questionnaires was able to find out the following.
(1) That the relationship between the management and staff of the organization were so wide and staff of the worker do not participate in decision making process. 
(2) That appointment of top management staff were based on political rather than merit.
To improve on those findings, the researcher made the following recommendations.
(1) That the relationship between the workers and management staff  should be closely integrated so that workers can particular actively in decision making process there by paving way for participative management. 
(2) That appointment of top management staff should be based on merit rather than political.
Finally, the summary of finding, conclusions on the research and recommendations made by the researchers were all discussed in chapter five .
If these recommendations can be effected, it will go along way to solving the problems of time management. 

Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Abstract v
List of Tables vii
Table of Contents viii

Introduction 1
1.1 background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of problem 5
1.3 Purpose of the study 5
1.4 Scope of the study 5
1.5 Research questions 6
1.6 Significance of the study 6

2.0 Review Of Literature 8

3.0 Research methodology 34
3.1 research design 34
3.2 area of study 34
3.3 Population of study 35
3.4 sample & sampling procedure 35
3.5 instrument for data collection 36
3.6 validation of the research 36
3.7 reliability of the research 37
3.8 method of administration research 37
3.9 method of data analysis 37

4.0 Data presentation and result 39
4.1 Summary of result/ findings 46

5.0 Discussion, implication: recommendation 47
5.1 Discussion of results 47
5.2 Occlusion 48
5.3 Implications of results 48
5.4 Recommendations 49
5.5 Suggestions for further research 50
5.6 Limitation of study 50
Reference 52

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(2014, 10). A Study Of The Impact Of Time Management In Some Selected Commercial Banks In Enugu... ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 10, 2014, from https://projectstoc.com/read/3918/a-study-of-the-impact-of-time-management-in-some-selected-commercial-banks-in-enugu-2544
"A Study Of The Impact Of Time Management In Some Selected Commercial Banks In Enugu.." ProjectStoc.com. 10 2014. 2014. 10 2014 <https://projectstoc.com/read/3918/a-study-of-the-impact-of-time-management-in-some-selected-commercial-banks-in-enugu-2544>.
"A Study Of The Impact Of Time Management In Some Selected Commercial Banks In Enugu..." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 10 2014. Web. 10 2014. <https://projectstoc.com/read/3918/a-study-of-the-impact-of-time-management-in-some-selected-commercial-banks-in-enugu-2544>.
"A Study Of The Impact Of Time Management In Some Selected Commercial Banks In Enugu..." ProjectStoc.com. 10, 2014. Accessed 10, 2014. https://projectstoc.com/read/3918/a-study-of-the-impact-of-time-management-in-some-selected-commercial-banks-in-enugu-2544.

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