The Impact Of Production Planning On Productivity In The Seven Up Bottling Company Kaduna

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Production is one of the most important function of management in every organization. The essence of production is to prepare  or forecast into the future in terms of production in an organization. As such Baryoko (2002) opined that production planning is mainly concerned with the directing and controlling of production process of an organization in order foster optimum utilization of human and material resources  use in production, which brings about increase productivity and consequently profit maximization.

Similarly Nwachukwu (2007) opined that production planning involves the establishment of the overall strategy and process design required for the realization of effective production in an organization.

As such, production planning’s particularly very important in a developing country where resources are relatively scarce. In Nigeria, where many of the manufacturing firms are inexperienced interms of technical know-how, production planning become very imperative in other to avoid waste of resources. This is so because production planning is a blue print for action. As such all manufacturing organization who are into production need to plan their production in order to gain an optimum utilization of their plant and raw materials use in production.

However, Ayo (2006) opined that failure to engage in production planning give rise to inefficiency and lack of direction. It make the organizations to constantly put off fire instead of preventing its occurrence. This implies that production planning entails the identification of what at business plans to do in terms of growth, development and survival or continuous existence. But inspite of this, over 48.6% of Nigeria indigenous organizations do not undertake a formal plan and do not have production budgets.

This study examines the impact of production planning on the productivity of seven up bottling company limited Kaduna. The research questions that guided this research were: how is production planned in seven up bottling company limited Kaduna? What is the effect of production system in manufacturing of seven up products? What is the effect of production planning on the productivity of seven up bottling company? What are the possible recommendation that would enhance production planning in seven up bottling company?

A survey method was used for the study. The population consisted of the entire staff of seven up bottling company limited Kaduna plant with a population of 286 personnel’s. 

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(2014, 09). The Impact Of Production Planning On Productivity In The Seven Up Bottling Company Kaduna.. Retrieved 09, 2014, from
"The Impact Of Production Planning On Productivity In The Seven Up Bottling Company Kaduna." 09 2014. 2014. 09 2014 <>.
"The Impact Of Production Planning On Productivity In The Seven Up Bottling Company Kaduna..", 09 2014. Web. 09 2014. <>.
"The Impact Of Production Planning On Productivity In The Seven Up Bottling Company Kaduna.." 09, 2014. Accessed 09, 2014.

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