A Critical Appraisal Of The Strategies Of Exportation Of Made In Nigeria Goods (a Case Study Of Nigerian Export Promotion Council)

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A critical appraisal of the strategies of exportation of made in Nigerian goods is a topic chosen from marketing field.
The research was conducted mainly to examine the strategies adopted by NEPC in exportation of goods made in Nigeria.  For effective research on this topic, both primary and secondary data were used to elicit information from sample studied, the primary source of data were response from the personal interview, while secondary source from periodical, journals and newspapers.
Three hundred and fifty person were interviewed as the sample of exporters with NEPC.
The data analysis was based on oral interview and the major findings are as follows:
The commendment of the strategies adopted by Nigeria export promotion council.
The positive responses given by respondent in the quest of the research.
The strengthening  and upgrading the status of NEPC.
The reduction of institutional bottleneck in export.
The establishment of export processing zone.
The abolition of export taxes and provision of export incentives.
Lastly, the problems and prospect of Nigerian export promotion council (NEPC).
The project has four chapters; chapter one contains introduction, background of the study, statement of problem, and objectives of the study.
Chapter two has literature review, here some related literatures were reviewed with sub topic as export development activities, export financing and incentives, Encouraging Local export production, finding export market, human resource training and development activities and importance of export in Economic growth and development .
Chapter three deal with research methodology, data analysis and presentation were some questions was attended to.
Finally, chapter four deals with the findings summary, conclusion, recommendation and references



Literature Review

Research Methodology
Sources of Data

Summary and Conclusion
Disclaimer: Note this academic material is intended as a guide for your academic research work. Do not copy word for word. Note: For Computer or Programming related works, some works might not contain source codes


(2012, 11). A Critical Appraisal Of The Strategies Of Exportation Of Made In Nigeria Goods (a Case Study Of Nigerian Export Promotion Council).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 11, 2012, from https://projectstoc.com/read/251/a-critical-appraisal-of-the-strategies-of-exportation-of-made-in-nigeria-goods-a-case-study-of-nigerian-export-promotion-council
"A Critical Appraisal Of The Strategies Of Exportation Of Made In Nigeria Goods (a Case Study Of Nigerian Export Promotion Council)." ProjectStoc.com. 11 2012. 2012. 11 2012 <https://projectstoc.com/read/251/a-critical-appraisal-of-the-strategies-of-exportation-of-made-in-nigeria-goods-a-case-study-of-nigerian-export-promotion-council>.
"A Critical Appraisal Of The Strategies Of Exportation Of Made In Nigeria Goods (a Case Study Of Nigerian Export Promotion Council).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 11 2012. Web. 11 2012. <https://projectstoc.com/read/251/a-critical-appraisal-of-the-strategies-of-exportation-of-made-in-nigeria-goods-a-case-study-of-nigerian-export-promotion-council>.
"A Critical Appraisal Of The Strategies Of Exportation Of Made In Nigeria Goods (a Case Study Of Nigerian Export Promotion Council).." ProjectStoc.com. 11, 2012. Accessed 11, 2012. https://projectstoc.com/read/251/a-critical-appraisal-of-the-strategies-of-exportation-of-made-in-nigeria-goods-a-case-study-of-nigerian-export-promotion-council.

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