The Impact Of Exchange Rate Fluctuation In International Trade In Nigeria

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The impact of exchange rate fluctuations on international trade in Nigeria is a topic chosen from exchange rate on international trade field.
The research was conducted mainly to examine the exchange rate fluctuation on international trade in Nigeria for effective research on this topic; both primary and secondary data were sued to elicit Information from sample studied, the primary source of data were responses from personal in ferried while secondary source were from periodic journals and newspapers.
Two hundred persons were interviewed as the sample of exporters with exchange rate fluctuation and data analysis were based on oral interview and the major findings are as follows; that exchange rate fluctuation has a negative effect on agricultural exports thus the more the exchange rata changes, the lower the income earnings in output production and a reduction in export trade. 
That an appreciation of the local currency decreases export earnings, while an increase in export price influences the level of exports positively. The appreciation of exchange rate reduces import while its volatility has a positive effect.

Title page 
Approval page 

Chapter one 
1.0 Introduction 
1.1 General background of the subject matter 
1.2 Problems associated with the subject matter 
1.3 Objective of the study 
1.4 Significance of the study 
1.5 Definition of terms 
1.6 References 

Literature review 
2.1 The origin of the subject area 
2.2 Schools of thought within the subject area.
2.3 The school of thought relevant to the problem of the study. 
2.4 change rate quotations 
2.5 exchange rate policy 
2.6 references 

3.0 research designed and methodology 
3.1 sources of data 
3.2 data presentation and it analysis 
3.3 research findings 
3.4 conclusions
3.5 recommendations
3.6 references

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(2013, 05). The Impact Of Exchange Rate Fluctuation In International Trade In Nigeria.. Retrieved 05, 2013, from
"The Impact Of Exchange Rate Fluctuation In International Trade In Nigeria." 05 2013. 2013. 05 2013 <>.
"The Impact Of Exchange Rate Fluctuation In International Trade In Nigeria..", 05 2013. Web. 05 2013. <>.
"The Impact Of Exchange Rate Fluctuation In International Trade In Nigeria.." 05, 2013. Accessed 05, 2013.

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