This dissertation is the product of contributions of ideas ‘ by the researcher and his supervisor. It is both conventional and similar the topic of this project, the effect of advertising on consumers buying behavior in Enugu metropolis with particular reference to the Nigerian Bottling Company, bottlers of coca-cola products, is very vast and one cannot claim to have treated all the aspects of have literature involved in this topic within this skeletal out –fit. Rather the researcher has selected and x –rayed the vital aspects of the topic relevant to the points she wants to investigate and bitterness.
The project cover aspects like the media consumers get their product message, their p perceptive of advertising message, that is, either than buy the advertised product or not. Also covered were the impact social groups and religion has on consumer buying behavior.
In chapter one and two the researcher discussed generally advertising and other factors as then effect the buying behavior. In chapter three and four discussion was centered on the methods of collecting the data and analysis. In chapter five, their were discussion of the result, implication of the results, recommendations and suggestions for further research. In the recommendations a number problems were identified and discussed. The researchers conclusion was drawn from points discussed in the proceeding four chapters.
The researcher delved into the effect of advertising on consumer buying behavior because as a management student he assumes that, advertising plays a major, role in shaping peoples buying decision and to help advertisers and manufactures, especially those in the coca –cola industry, in data mining people’s buying behavior with reference to advertising.
This wine also helps the researcher and other students to get the practical analysis of effects of advertising on consumer buying behavior.
Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
List of table
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Scope of the study
1.5 Research questions
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Limitation of the study
1.8 References
2.1 Review of related literature
2.2 Origin of Advertising
2.3 The media
2.4 Characteristics of Advertising that affect consumption.
2.5 Consumer behavior
2.6 The communication process
2.7 A review of Nigeria Bottling Company
2.8 Reference
3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of the study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample size and sample procedure
3.5 Instrument for data collection
3.6 Validation of the instrument
3.7 Reliability of the instrument
3.8 Method of the collection
3.9 Method of data analysis
4.1 Presentation and Analysis of data
4.2 Summary of Results
5.1 Discussion of Result
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Implications of the Research findings
5.4 Recommendations
5.5 Suggestions for future Research
APPENDIX I sample of introductory letter
APPENDIX 2 sample of questionnaire
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(2013, 04). The Effect Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Behaviour In Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study Of Nigerian Bottling Company 9th Mile Enugu).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 04, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/1484/the-effect-of-advertising-on-consumer-buying-behaviour-in-enugu-metropolis-a-case-study-of-nigerian-bottling-company-9th-mile-enugu
"The Effect Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Behaviour In Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study Of Nigerian Bottling Company 9th Mile Enugu)." ProjectStoc.com. 04 2013. 2013. 04 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/1484/the-effect-of-advertising-on-consumer-buying-behaviour-in-enugu-metropolis-a-case-study-of-nigerian-bottling-company-9th-mile-enugu>.
"The Effect Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Behaviour In Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study Of Nigerian Bottling Company 9th Mile Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 04 2013. Web. 04 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/1484/the-effect-of-advertising-on-consumer-buying-behaviour-in-enugu-metropolis-a-case-study-of-nigerian-bottling-company-9th-mile-enugu>.
"The Effect Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Behaviour In Enugu Metropolis (a Case Study Of Nigerian Bottling Company 9th Mile Enugu).." ProjectStoc.com. 04, 2013. Accessed 04, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/1484/the-effect-of-advertising-on-consumer-buying-behaviour-in-enugu-metropolis-a-case-study-of-nigerian-bottling-company-9th-mile-enugu.
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