Problems Facing Students In Higher Institution [case Study Of I.m.t And Suggested Ways Of Solving Them

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This study is designed to enumerate the problems confronting student in higher institution pitching institute of management and technology (I.M.T) Enugu as a case of study and suggested ways to solve them. 

Academic implication very in various institutions as problem varies amongst student it could be social, psychological, philological or nature. These problem need identification of cause and finding of suitable solutions to them according. This is in turn will obviously increase the student ability to give read answers to similar problems. Most student in higher institutions choose to be indifferent to academic demand while some institution and some student it confronted with problem lends to grapple with it in a view of surviving from the stress it has cause them. Some other students that have been bruised once or twice by problem(s) they learn from reach problem they have solved.

It is also understood that some vis-à-vis with student in higher institutions used to be innate, they emanate from the victims to the burden. In addition it could be due to their idiosyncrasy, while some other burdens are introduced to student by the school lecturers and fellow students. 

In this types of situation, the status is bound to get trusted. It is expressed in this work that student suffer a great deal of problems that could arise from dissolution, housing, social environment the institution is situated. I will look into the possible cause and effects of these problems facing student of I.M.T and suggest medication to the problem.

Title page
Project Approval

1.0 Introduction
1.1 General Background to the Subject Matter
1.2 Problem Associated with the Subject Matter
1.3 Problem(s) that the Study will be concerned with
1.4 The Important of Studying the Area
1.5 Definition of Important Term
1.6 References 

2.0 Literature Review
2.1 The origin of subject Area
2.2 School of thought within the subject area
2.3 The School of thought relevant to the Problem study
2.4 Different method of studying the Problem
2.5 Summary
2.6 References

3.0 Conclusion
3.1 Data Presentation [Highlights of the study]
3.2 Analysis of the Data
3.3 Recommendation
3.4 Conclusion
3.5 References

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(2013, 04). Problems Facing Students In Higher Institution [case Study Of I.m.t And Suggested Ways Of Solving Them.. Retrieved 04, 2013, from
"Problems Facing Students In Higher Institution [case Study Of I.m.t And Suggested Ways Of Solving Them." 04 2013. 2013. 04 2013 <>.
"Problems Facing Students In Higher Institution [case Study Of I.m.t And Suggested Ways Of Solving Them..", 04 2013. Web. 04 2013. <>.
"Problems Facing Students In Higher Institution [case Study Of I.m.t And Suggested Ways Of Solving Them.." 04, 2013. Accessed 04, 2013.

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