On May 2, 2000 (Workers day) the president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo announced a new salary structure for public officers in Nigeria and called on them to match the new wages with increased productivity this paper examined productivity against the background of public servants attitude to government work, which is essentially negative this, the study discovered, is due to the misconception of the general conceptualization of government work as belonging to no one in particular and so when it suffers, nobody is hurt. Low productivity is also caused by poor condition of service, negative attitudes and other social and cultural environment factors. Efforts made by the government to increase productivity had not succeeded because none focused attention on enhancing the workers negative attitudes to government work.
This study therefore focused attention on enhancing workers attitude as a precondition to general improvement of productivity in the civil service. It noted that although work attitude is deep-noted and in most cases usually acquired before employment, they can still be change to positive attitudes through a rigorous but simple in-house training and education using the apprenticeship method such as mentorship, case studies and group self-criticism approach. The paper recommends that whatever is done to enhance productivity must be predicated on improved attitude to government work. It also suggests that the responsibility for enhancing productivity in the service rest squarely on “Managements†recommended is implemented in each ministry and departments as well as leadership by good example.
Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
Background of the study
Statement of Problem
Purpose of the Study
Scope of the Study
Significant of the Study
Definition of Terms
Attitude to work of the Nigeria Civil Servant
Determinates of work attitudes and productivity
Enhancing productivity in the Civil Service
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(2013, 02). The Enhancing Productivity Through Improved Work Attitude In New Millennium (a Case Study Of The Nigerian Civil Service).. ProjectStoc.com. Retrieved 02, 2013, from https://projectstoc.com/read/866/the-enhancing-productivity-through-improved-work-attitude-in-new-millennium-a-case-study-of-the-nigerian-civil-service
"The Enhancing Productivity Through Improved Work Attitude In New Millennium (a Case Study Of The Nigerian Civil Service)." ProjectStoc.com. 02 2013. 2013. 02 2013 <https://projectstoc.com/read/866/the-enhancing-productivity-through-improved-work-attitude-in-new-millennium-a-case-study-of-the-nigerian-civil-service>.
"The Enhancing Productivity Through Improved Work Attitude In New Millennium (a Case Study Of The Nigerian Civil Service).." ProjectStoc.com. ProjectStoc.com, 02 2013. Web. 02 2013. <https://projectstoc.com/read/866/the-enhancing-productivity-through-improved-work-attitude-in-new-millennium-a-case-study-of-the-nigerian-civil-service>.
"The Enhancing Productivity Through Improved Work Attitude In New Millennium (a Case Study Of The Nigerian Civil Service).." ProjectStoc.com. 02, 2013. Accessed 02, 2013. https://projectstoc.com/read/866/the-enhancing-productivity-through-improved-work-attitude-in-new-millennium-a-case-study-of-the-nigerian-civil-service.
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