A traffic light system is an electronic circuitrydesigned and configured to control the flow of the traffic (vehicular andhuman) at roads intersection without the physical presence...
Premium 63 pages 9594 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
This project is aimed to implement asystem that will automate the security system of a given area. it ensures thatthe user is alerted each time an intruder encroaches a secured positi...
Premium 100 pages 11489 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
The effect of science and technology had led to the development of computers andits application to various production fields. ear is a new type of attendancesoftware. it is aimed at...
Premium 89 pages 9049 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
This project design is simply used to display theitems demanded by each customer on the table. each table has four buttons forrice, beans, amala and akpu, and each of the bu...
Premium 64 pages 7433 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Natural Disasters or Natural Calamities, whatever you name it has for long been the most dreaded cause of mass destruction and loss of human lives, wealth and property. It destroys the beauty of earth...
Premium 108 pages 16632 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Digital (fan) regulator is one of the applications of electronics to increase the facilities of life. fan is one of the unavoidableelectronic equipment in our day to day life. it has beco...
Premium 31 pages 2377 words Seminar Degree Level
The main objective of this project is to develop an automatic door opening system using IR sensors which will reduce the need of manual labor.Automatic doo...
Premium 64 pages 7580 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
This project involves the development of a console that allows multiple inputs(3 inputs) and a single output to a screen through the use of software. themicrocontroller which...
Premium 37 pages 6121 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
This project presents the design and construction of a computer based program used to control officeappliance. it is based on a graphic user int...
Premium 65 pages 7278 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Nigeria is characterized with largeexpanse of land with remote, isolated communities located at long intervalswhose inhabitants are often peasant farmers living below subsistence l...
Premium 15 pages 3142 words Paper All Levels