Since the 1970s, energycrises have been reported across the world. in nigeria chendo (2001) reportedthat national energy supply is at present almost entirely, dependent on fossil...
Premium 22 pages 3943 words Paper All Levels
Energy for obvious reasons is regarded as the prime mover of any economy, and the engine of growth around which all sectors of the economy revolve. Thus, it becomes imperative that its development...
Premium 16 pages 3636 words Paper All Levels
This is the design and constructionof a light sensitive circuit which when the sensor is blocked will activate thelight emitting diode at the output. the output gain depends on the...
Premium 6 pages 450 words Paper All Levels
transient over voltages have often been blamed for themalfunctioning of electrical power systems. this seminar paper is an overviewwhich seeks to describe the state of...
Premium 22 pages 2940 words Seminar Degree Level
digital systems design teams are facing exponentially growing complexities and need processes and tools that reduce the time needed to gain insight into difficult system integration problems. ...
Premium 12 pages 1750 words Paper All Levels
Congestion remains a major challenge to telecommunications service provision both to the service providers as well as the subscribers. This seminar work attempted to determine the causes of congestion...
Free 21 pages 3348 words Seminar Degree Level
the general approach to any design of a process plant involve an advanced network of chemical engineering processes. this equipment design project was carried out to design a molten salt...
Free 52 pages 5745 words Seminar Degree Level
introductiona public address system is an electronics sound amplification and distribution system with a microphone, amplifier and loud speaker used to allow a person to address a large public. the pu...
Premium 42 pages 2824 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
as the name of the project implies “automatic emergency light” is an electronic system that can provide light during emergency situations i.e when mains (nepa) supply fails. this sys...
Premium 42 pages 3998 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
as the name of the project implies “power inverter”, is an electronics system that converts dc energy (voltage) to an ac energy. the major aim of this project is to design and const...
Premium 40 pages 4050 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level