the aim of this project was to construct a steel cupboard in order to help us acquire the knowledge of fabrication of a modern cupboard and the essence of it. also to enable us (the students...
Premium 37 pages 4919 words Thesis All Levels
the sets of seizes with shocker which was fabricated and assembled in the chemical engineering pilot plant was aimed at providing the students with a machine that will aid them in practical i...
Premium 43 pages 6375 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this is an on the construction of a packed distillation column. a packed distillation column is used in the separating process distillation that is the separation of two miscible liq...
Premium 62 pages 8263 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
absract the fabrication of a set of sieves and shaker was carried out in paliton workshop, enugu. after a thorough analysis on the suitable materials to be used in fabrication, galvanized steel was ch...
Premium 45 pages 6270 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
in account form analysis, a lot of discrepancies causes by manual aspect of the form such as: lost of form, inability to correct intakes, poor storage facilities have been a problem in the ma...
Premium 63 pages 6307 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
a table top liquid-liquid extraction unit was constructed. the project also involved the repair and servicing of peristaltic suction pump, by painting it, replacing the connecting cord t...
Premium 42 pages 5117 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
the design and construction of s refrigerating unit is handled from the knowledge of the working principles of laws of thermodynamics. the size of the containing vessel i.e the case as establ...
Premium 23 pages 2410 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this study has its theme as a utilization studies of enugu coals with the view of studying its properties, classification, preparation storage etc comparing coals obtained from different loca...
Premium 56 pages 7912 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
this project “characteristics of local produced oil from groundnut oil” was carried out using ten cups of groundnut seeds that was purchased from a local market in enugu metropolis. ...
Premium 32 pages 9424 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
the purpose of the project is to study the effect of liquid flow rate and gas flow rate on the pressure drop in a packed absorption tower and also to repair and restore the packed absorption t...
Premium 58 pages 7759 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level