this seminar studied and analyzed water pollution, the causes, the effects, the sources, types and control of water pollution in the societies water pollution occurred when pollutants we...
Premium 41 pages 4582 words Seminar Degree Level
abstactmost of the critical condition societal problem such as conversion, storage and transportation of energy resources, food processing, preservation and supply, natural resources, development and...
Premium 27 pages 2371 words Seminar Degree Level
the aim of this seminar is soap production. due to societal demands on cleaning agent to promote her hygienic conditions leads to research on how to produce soap which is one of the cleaning a...
Premium 25 pages 4020 words Seminar Degree Level
the title of this research work’s industrial pollution and green house effect” the purity of the atmosphere a...
Premium 40 pages 3933 words Seminar Degree Level
The design and construction of refrigerating unit is handled from the knowledge of the working principles of laws of thermodynamics....
Premium 26 pages Seminar Degree Level