This study examines the impact of entrepreneurial skills acquisition on the employability status ofnigerian graduates. entrepreneurshipeducation plays a major role in the reductio...
Premium 20 pages 8536 words Paper All Levels
This article examines the impact of the nigerian local content act on petroleum industry human capital development and the role of local training institutes could play in the effectivei...
Premium 7 pages 2440 words Paper All Levels
Poor community-company relations in the Niger Delta have drawn attention to the practice of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the region. Since the 1960s, transnational oil corporations operati...
Free 27 pages 10750 words Paper All Levels
The article examines the extent to which the most successful companies in Romania and Ghana - emerging countries - practice corporate social responsibility and the way CSR is communicated through the ...
Premium 9 pages 4706 words Paper All Levels