This study examines the impact of entrepreneurial skills acquisition on the employability status ofnigerian graduates. entrepreneurshipeducation plays a major role in the reductio...
Premium 20 pages 8536 words Paper All Levels
This article examines the impact of the nigerian local content act on petroleum industry human capital development and the role of local training institutes could play in the effectivei...
Premium 7 pages 2440 words Paper All Levels
the role of human resources administration in ensuring organizational efficiency is important because it coordinate all the resources of planning, organizing, controlling and directing both...
Premium 68 pages 5000 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
the concern aboutworkplace bullying has generated substantial research studies within theeuropean society. the need to examine the phenomenon in nigeria has becomeneedful given the continuous en...
Premium 100 pages 26587 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
numerous researchers have studied the impact of incentives and related programs for at least 100 years without establishing a clear consensus among business circles as to whether or not incent...
Premium 74 pages 9612 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
for any employee, their job involves much more than just completing their responsibilities and getting paid for it; the culture of their workplace is also an integral factor in job satisfactio...
Premium 57 pages 8414 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Prevalent literature on the utilization of recruitment sources by job seekers show thatinformal sources, in particular, networking (which includes employee referral...
Premium 77 pages 20529 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
The effect of training and development on organizational attainment is a concept that looks into the organisation with the view to ascertain the essence of training programmes. Does it really...
Premium 70 pages 6977 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
ABSTRACTThe success of any organisation or enterprise depends largely on the effectiveness of the human resources under its control. Therefore the role of human resource in developing organisational c...
Premium 65 pages 7725 words Project Diploma/Degree/Masters Level
Poor community-company relations in the Niger Delta have drawn attention to the practice of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the region. Since the 1960s, transnational oil corporations operati...
Free 27 pages 10750 words Paper All Levels